Import Solid Edge Templates dialog box (SEEC)

Defines the location of unmanaged Solid Edge templates and imports them into the Teamcenter-managed environment.

Login information

Displays your user id, group, and role after a successful login to Teamcenter. Your Home folder and the template folder name are displayed on the second line.


The Home folder information is based on the Teamcenter Preference SEEC_Template_Username. The template folder information is based on the Teamcenter Preference SEEC_Template_Folder_Name.

Solid Edge Template Folder

Contains the location of the folder where you store your unmanaged Solid Edge templates. You can Browse for other folders.

Item Type

Displays the default Item Type of Item. The unmanaged templates are imported into the Teamcenter database using the Item Type Item.


Displays the Teamcenter Log In dialog box.


Starts the template import process.


Stops the template import process.


Opens Solid Edge Help.

Status bar

Displays messages, status, errors, and the folder being processed during import on the left. The number of unmanaged documents being imported is displayed on the right.

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