Viewing the log file in Insight Connect

All Insight warnings and error messages are reported to a common error dialog box and written to a log file. The dialog box displays errors and warnings for the last command. You can select a column on the dialog box to sort the information in the box based on that column.

Solid Edge creates an ASCII text log file per application session that contains the warnings and error messages for the entire session. You can view and print the file from Notepad or any other application that can read a text file. Solid Edge names the log file based on the time stamp for the file.

The log file is stored in the location specified on the File Locations tab of the Options dialog box. You can specify that Solid Edge look for the file in a different folder, including a folder on another machine on the network. To specify a different location, on the Tools menu, click Options. On the File Locations tab of the Options dialog box, select Log Files and then click Modify. On the Browse dialog box, specify the drive and folder for the log file. After specifying the location, click Update.

Solid Edge Insight Error Messages

The following information describes the various Solid Edge Insight error messages.

Unable to contact the server, try again.  If the problem continues, contact your administrator.

This error occurs when there is a problem with the connection to the server. The network may not be working properly or the server may be down.  If this happens in the middle of the Open or Check Out command, the document may be marked as checked out in Solid Edge, but may not be downloaded to your local machine. If so, an administrator will have to clean up the file or cancel the check out to update the library.

Insufficient drive space to store <file>.  Contact your administrator to free sufficient space and try again.

This error occurs when the server or local machine does not have enough free space to hold the document. To correct the error, an administrator needs to clear the cache, remove files from the system, or purge versions of documents. If you think this may be a persistent problem, you may want to install a larger hard drive or lower the file version limit setting on the server.

<Folder> has approvals turned on.  Turn off approvals and try your command again.

This error occurs when an administrator has SharePoint approvals turned on. To correct the problem, an administrator needs to turn the approvals off.

You do not have sufficient privileges to <command> <filename or folder name> or there are network problems preventing authentication from the server.

This error occurs when you do not have sufficient privileges to execute a command.  To correct the error, you can have an administrator provide the privileges you need to execute the command.  You can also have another user that does have sufficient privileges run the command.

File already exists in <folder name>. Rename one of the documents or rename the duplicate.

This error occurs when a document with the same name already exists in the managed library.  To correct the error, remove the existing document from the cache or ignore the message and continue.

Cannot rename <old folder name>. A folder with the name you specified already exists.  Specify a different folder name.

This error occurs when a folder with the same name already exists in the managed library.  To correct the error, reset the folder name to its previous value and select a different folder name.

File is locked.  Close it in Solid Edge or other application that is using it.

This error occurs when a document is locked because it is open in Solid Edge or another process. To correct the error, close the document in Solid Edge or the process that is causing the lock.

File <filename> is checked out by <checkout user>. Open the file read only.

This error occurs when a document is checked out by another user. To correct this error, the user must check in the document before it can be checked out by another user.

Document is unusable and cannot be opened in Solid Edge.

The document may have the wrong file extension or there may be a problem with the file. Contact GTAC and submit the file for examination.

Invalid link data was found in <filename no path>.

Submit an IR and send the file to GTAC for removal of the invalid link data.

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