Adding markups and measurements to documents

View and Markup contains commands that allow you to add markups and measurements to your documents. Markups are text or graphical elements that you draw in the viewing window, such as:

The types of markups you can place depend on whether the active document is a 2-D document or 3-D document.

When you create the first markup object, a new markup group is added to the Markup tab. This group contains a collection of markup objects. You can right click on the top level markup group and click Create New Markup from the shortcut menu to create additional markup groups.

Creating Markups

The Markup toolbar contains commands that allow you to place markups in your documents. You can use the Preferences dialog box to change markup colors, size, and styles. You can select markups and edit the markup, reposition it within the view, or delete it from the view.

You can use the Rubber Stamp command to place a rubber stamp markup in a 2-D document. Rubber stamp markups paste a prepared statement onto your markup layer. The prepared statement can be one of a series of such statements that you have created in a text file.

Each rubber stamp markup entry must have a number, but the numbers do not need to be sequential. Each entry must also have a name and a text statement. The number and name of the entry appears on a line that begins with a #; all lines that do not begin with a # appear as the text of the markup.

The file can include any number of notes, and you can use notes from any number of files on an image. You can set font size and type and include the current date and time in your rubber stamp text.

Measuring 2-D Images

You can measure an angle, radius, or distance on your 2-D image in two ways:

When you measure 2-D images, you can:

Measuring 3-D Models

There are four types of 3-D measurement that display different kinds of measurement information for 3-D models:

You can display information for a point, vertex, edge, surface, or a part.

You can use 3-D measurement commands to: