Move Managed Folders and Documents dialog box

Specifies the folders and documents you want to move within a managed library.

Look In

Displays the drive and folder in which you want to search for the document to move.

Go to Last Folder Visited

Returns to the last folder that you visited.

Up One Folder

Moves the Look In folder up one level.

View Menu

Controls the display method for the listed documents.

  • Large Icons--Displays large icons for the documents.

  • Small Icons--Displays small icons for the documents.

  • List--Lists the names of the documents in columns.

  • Details--Displays a detailed view of the folder contents. The columns displayed include Name, Size, Type, and Modified.


Lists the available managed folders and documents you can select to be moved. This could include non-Solid Edge documents.


Displays a bitmap image of the document if a preview image was saved for the file.


Adds the selected folders and documents to the Folders and Documents To Be Moved box.


Removes the selected folders and documents from the Folders and Documents To Be Moved box.

Remove All

Removes all folders and documents from the Folders and DocumentsTo Be Moved box.

Include Subfolders

Moves the associated subfolders for the selected folder.

Folders and Documents To Be Moved

Lists the folders and documents you want moved within the managed library.

Move To

Defines the location for the documents and folders you are moving.

Library Folder

Specifies the destination folder for the folders and documents you are moving within the managed library. You can create a new folder by typing the folder name in the Library Folder path or editing the Library Folder path.

Browse for Library Folder

Accesses a dialog box that allows you to specify the destination folder. For web folders, the New Folder button is disabled.

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