Using revision rules in Insight

In an Insight managed environment, you can use the Revision Rules option on the Open a File dialog box to specify how managed documents are opened when they contain links to other documents. For example, if you select the revision rule Latest Released to open an assembly, Solid Edge opens the assembly and searches for the latest released revision for all of the parts in the assembly structure.

Revision rules are very helpful in managing documents through the life of a project. The following are a few of the revision rules you can use when you open Insight managed documents:

As Saved

Opens the document and updates the links as they were last saved. You would use this rule to open documents until you get close to the completion of a project. This is the default revision rule.


As you near the completion of a project, you can use the Latest or Latest Released rule to open your assembly or draft document. When you use these rules, Solid Edge ignores the Always Synchronize Cache to Get the Latest Version of the Document option on the Manage tab and loads the appropriate revisions to the local cache.

Latest Released

As you near the completion of a project, you can use the Latest or Latest Released rule to open your assembly or draft document. When you use these rules, Solid Edge ignores the Always Synchronize Cache to Get the Latest Version of the Document option on the Manage tab of the Solid Edge Options dialog box, and loads the appropriate revisions to the local cache.

External System

You can use the External System option if you want to control the links based on an external BOM provided by an ERP/MRP system stored on the local machine. The BOM file name matches the assembly or draft file name except for the file extension, which is XML. For example, if the file name is bearing.asm, the BOM file name is bearing.xml. External BOM file names are case sensitive.

The BOM you supply will have to be in the standard XML format shown below. This format essentially locates each instance of a file with a particular SEDocID that is always unique. Each of the records in this file will be for each file in the deep list generation.

In the following example, the <RoofileGUID> tag includes the GUID of the file. The <RootFile> tag represents the name of the root file. The <InstanceFileGUID> tag is the GUID of the instance file from MRP to replace and the <InstanceFile> tag is the name of the instance file to replace.

<InstanceFile>http://tcspseg010/SolidEdge/Documents/Abhay/Assy~2.asm </InstanceFile>
<InstanceFileGUID> {2146931D-B6DD-400c-8800-63580B6FE918}</InstanceFile>

The default location for the external BOM is specified in the File Locations tab of the Solid Edge Options dialog box.

Version from Cache

Documents are opened from the cache, no document transfers take place between the document library and your local cache resulting in optimized performance. When you use the option Version from Cache in conjunction with Always Synchronize Cache to Get the Latest Version of the Document, the most recent version of the direct document is loaded to the cache from the library, and indirect documents are opened from cache.

After you have save the changes to your documents, you can use the Life Cycle Assistant command to set the status for the approved parts to Released and set the status for the old revisions to Obsolete.

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