Take Ownership command

The Take Ownership command is used when the product being designed in Solid Edge uses geometric content authored in another CAD system. Taking ownership removes the driven reference status from the Solid Edge document and enables the user to add geometric value. The command creates a new revision and Solid Edge is the CAD author of the new revision.


Use of the command requires the following Teamcenter preference settings:

  • SEEC_BOM_Synchronize=True

  • SEEC_Foreign_Datasets=True

When these preferences are set, the Take Ownership command is available in:

The number of objects that can be selected for a single take ownership transaction is determined by the Teamcenter preference:


If the number of objects selected exceeds the limit defined by the preference, a message is displayed to reduce the number of objects selected and rerun the command.

The Take Ownership command uses additional Teamcenter preferences to govern how datasets are processed. The preferences contain lists of dataset types that should not be copied to the new revision, giving the administrator the ability to override deep copy rules. Each preference is specific to the take ownership workflow and design reuse of geometry using multi-CAD.

If either preference is empty or all entries are in error, Teamcenter Deep Copy Rules are responsible for all the datasets except the ones being transacted.

Once Solid Edge has ownership of the item revision (it is no longer a driven reference), Solid Edge generates JT and writes it to the DirectModel dataset when the document is saved or uploaded to Teamcenter.


This command is not intended to be used as a bulk migration tool. Its focus is on foreign geometry reuse in the context of an assembly.

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