View and Markup tab, Options dialog box

Opening Solid Edge documents (3D) only

Open file with precise geometry (for precise measurement)

Specifies that you want to open .pcf files with precise geometry. This provides precise measurements for 3D viewing data. This option must be set for you to enable dynamic highlighting.

Part simplification

Specifies how you want to open an assembly that contains simplified parts. You can specify whether the parts in the assembly are displayed using the designed or simplified version. When this option is cleared, the simplified or designed status of the parts is determined by the last save. When you open an assembly with parts simplified, the assembly will open faster.

Use all designed

Specifies that all parts in the assembly that have simplified versions defined will be displayed as designed when you open the assembly.

Use all simplified

Specifies that all parts in the assembly that have simplified versions defined will be displayed simplified when you open the assembly.

Assembly simplification

Specifies how you want to open an assembly that contains simplified subassemblies. You can specify whether you want all subassemblies simplified, the top level assembly, or last saved assembly simplified. When you open an assembly with subassemblies simplified, the assembly will open faster.

All subassemblies

Specifies that all subassemblies in the assembly that have simplified versions defined will be displayed simplified when you open the assembly.

Top level assembly

Specifies that all subassemblies in the assembly that have simplified versions defined will be displayed as designed when you open the assembly.

Saving .pcf files

Store viewing data in the file

Specifies that you want to embed the viewing data in the file you are saving. If this option is unchecked, opening the file requires you to resolve links back to the original CAD documents.

Store precise geometry in file

Specifies that you want to store the precise geometry in the file you are saving.

Remove password on Save As

Removes the password from the .pcf file when you choose Save As. When this option is unchecked, the password is retained.


Displays the Security and Password dialog box. You can specify the security for features that are saved with the .pcf file.

Sending .pcf files

Send URL document link instead of copy (for managed documents only)

Specifies that you want to send the URL link to the original CAD document rather than send an embedded copy of the document.

Send attachment

Specifies that you want to send a copy of the CAD document as an attachment.

Remove precise geometry when sending file

Specifies that you want to remove the precise geometry from a file before sending it to out to other users.


Displays the Security and Password dialog box. You can specify the security for features that are saved with the .pcf file.

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