Adding documents to a Solid Edge SP managed environment

You can add multiple documents and folders to Solid Edge SP using Add to Solid Edge SP. The documents that you select to add to the managed library are called direct documents. These direct documents may contain links to other documents or reference other documents, which are known as indirect documents. For example, when you add an assembly to a managed library, all the parts and subassemblies within the selected assembly are indirect documents, if you select only the assembly document to add to the library. Similarly, a part copy within a part document or a part referenced within a drawing document are also indirect documents.

Using Add to Solid Edge SP

You can import multiple unmanaged Solid Edge files into a SharePoint database without starting the Solid Edge application using Add to Solid Edge SP. Before running Add to Solid Edge SP, ensure that you are able to successfully create and save Solid Edge files. Then prepare your unmanaged files for the managed environment using the tips found in Preparing unmanaged documents for SharePoint.

Running Add to Solid Edge SP

The Add to Solid Edge SP program is made available to you when you install the Solid Edge Solid Edge SP Client. To run the application, from the Start menu, choose Programs→ Solid Edge ST6→Data Preparation→Add to Solid Edge SP. When you run the program, the Add to Solid Edge SP dialog box provides options for loading your files into the SharePoint database. Whether you are casually adding a few documents or folders, or performing a bulk import of a massive amount of data, you should start with a dry run to analyze your data and report any problems. The dry run gives you the opportunity to correct any problems found before continuing.

Performing a dry run

One of the options on the Add to Solid Edge SP dialog box is to perform a dry run of adding your unmanaged documents to SharePoint. The dry run builds a list of your files and performs a series of checks including a search for broken links, validation of file name length, and a check for duplicate file names. In the event duplicate document numbers are discovered, the dry run erases the document number of one of the parts in preparation for adding the documents to the managed environment. Log files are generated that contain errors or warnings occurring during the dry run. Any files with broken links are written to a log file and you are informed that broken links were found. You are then given the opportunity to open the log file and suspend Add to Solid Edge SP so you can repair the links, find alternate files of the same file name but that occur in different folders, or ignore the broken links. If you choose to find alternates, the links are not updated to point to the new file, but you are assisted with finding possible replacements in order to expedite fixing the broken links.


If you choose to skip the dry run, the list of documents is built from your input, but broken links are ignored by further processing.

Log files

When you run Add to Solid Edge SP, log files are generated that contain errors or warnings occurring during the file upload transaction. The default location for log files is determined on the File Locations page of the Solid Edge Options dialog box.

You can use log files to monitor the success or failure of your documents loading into the SharePoint database. The log files you will interact with most often are grouped in the subfolder \Add to InsightXT that is created when you run Add to Solid Edge SP. Each file uses a naming convention consisting of a description, timestamp, and file extension. For example, AddToInsightXT_20120514131232.log. The timestamp is a 14 digit unique identifier using the format YYYYMMDDHHmmss where:

Log File



Contains all Add to Solid Edge SP settings. The setting names are not localized for this development log file.


Contains information regarding the blocks of data being added to the SharePoint database, the number of links within the block, and how long each block took to load. The history is only reset and cleared if you start a new Add to Solid Edge SP process.

InsightXT User Log <unique id>.xml

Contains a summary of actions taken by the Add to Solid Edge SP process to correct the data and load it into the database. These actions are logged as warnings with messages specific to why the corrective action was taken. If a file fails to load, an error is shown in the summary log with a message explaining why the file failed to load. The contents of this log file displays in the Summary dialog box when you are importing files using Add to Solid Edge SP.


Developer log that includes a timer so the total time for input is measured accurately.

Output files

When you run Add to Solid Edge SP, files are generated as output of the process. All output files created from one input list have the same timestamp so it is easy to identify which output file is related to another. The default location for output files is determined on the File Locations page of the Solid Edge Options dialog box.

Output File



Contains information regarding the broken link and the parent document.


Lists input files after the completion of the scan for broken links. Double-clicking the file opens it in Microsoft Excel.


This file cannot be used as input to the Add to Solid Edge SP process.


Contains an ordered list of your input files along with their reverse links. If a file has a reverse link, it is listed twice with two order numbers and also listed twice in the pass/fail log. The ordered list is generated by either the output from a dry run or as a result of the pass/fail log.


You can rename the Ordered_<timestamp>.csv file and use it as an input file to Add to Solid Edge SP however the format must match the expected input. You can only submit one .CSV file for processing at a time.


Lists the documents you are importing and provides a summary of success or failure of the import process for each file. The log is written once per Add to Solid Edge SP session even if you elect to suspend or retry the upload process. Double-clicking the file opens it in Microsoft Excel. The order number in this file matches the order number from the Ordered_<timestamp>.CSV file so you can match up entries between the two files during troubleshooting.


All log and output files persist from one Add to Solid Edge SP session to another. Work with your system administrator to develop a schedule to archive the contents of the folder you define as the default location for log files. The default location is defined on the File Locations page of the Solid Edge Options dialog box. Example: ...\Unigraphics Solutions\Solid Edge\Version 106\Log Files\Add to InsightXT.

Resuming Add to Solid Edge SP

When you use the Add to Solid Edge SP program, some requested actions may not complete, or they may complete with warnings. In either case, a notification dialog box is displayed. You cannot start a new import of files into the SharePoint database until the previous one is completed or canceled.

The options on the notification dialog box determine how you proceed. You can view the log generated by the process, view a summary, continue, cancel, suspend, or view help regarding the upload process.

If you previously suspended the transaction, the notification dialog box is displayed automatically when you next start the Add to Solid Edge SP program.

Overwriting documents using Add to Solid Edge SP

The Add to Solid Edge SP program compares the properties of a document with those existing in the SharePoint database. As a result, you can import files over files that already exist in the SharePoint database. Add to Solid Edge SP adds the import time to the original file, and on subsequent loads it checks to see if the modified date is after the import date. If the document being imported has not been modified since the last import, it is recognized as already being in the database and is not re-added to SharePoint on subsequent imports. However, if the unmanaged file is modified after its initial import into the database, on subsequent imports you are given the options to:

In the event the Add to Solid Edge SP comparison discovers an item number that already exists in the database, it compares the file being imported to all revisions, datasets, and files that comprise the dataset. If a match is found, you are given the opportunity to determine the action on the file being imported. If no match is found, the file is assigned a new item number and a record of the action will be placed in the log file.


During an overwrite condition, BOM precision is not changed.

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