Import unmanaged Solid Edge templates into Solid Edge SP

  1. Start the Import Solid Edge Templates program by choosing Start→Programs→Solid Edge ST6→Solid Edge SP→Import Solid Edge Templates.

  2. Click Connect to connect to your SharePoint site.

    The display area at the top of the dialog box displays your user name and the template folder name as defined by the preference SolidEdge_Template_Folder_Name.

  3. Define the location of your unmanaged Solid Edge template folder.


    You can type the location of your unmanaged templates or use Browse to identify the folder. Your templates can also be in a network location. Example: \\abc123\plan\Template_V106_ANSI_ISO.

  4. (Optional) Supply a comment to be added to each uploaded document when versioning is enabled on the target document library.

  5. Click Import.


    You must have at least minimum SharePoint permissions to import Solid Edge templates into SharePoint.

  6. Click OK to dismiss the message indicating the Solid Edge templates were imported.

  7. Exit the program.

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