Simulation Express command bar

The available step options on the Simulation Express command bar change as you specify the analysis type and select the elements to apply it to. PromptBar displays instructions for each step. Use the Accept button (the green check mark) to complete each step and move to the next.

Analysis definition options

Analysis Settings

Displays the Analysis Settings dialog box, which allows you to control the accuracy and speed of the analysis.

Select Body Step

Prompts you to select the body to be analyzed.

  • For part documents, if only one solid body exists in the document, it is selected automatically. If a disjoint body exists, a warning message is displayed.

  • For sheet metal parts, a mid-surface feature must exist. You can construct a mid-surface feature using the Mid-Surface command.

Select Material Step

Defines the physical properties of the material used in the analysis. If a material has already been defined for the part, that material is displayed in the Select list.

Select Material Step Options


Displays a list of available materials for you to select one.


Displays the Material Table dialog box for you to review or edit the physical properties of a material. You can create a new material or modify an existing material to apply to the part.

Select Load Step

Displays the Load Definition dialog box, for you to define the loads on the part. You can add, edit, and delete loads using the dialog box. When you have finished defining the loads, click the Finish button on the Load Definition dialog box.

This step is not available when performing a modal analysis.

Constraint Step

Specifies the constraints for the analysis. You can select one or more faces on the model.

Constraint Step Options


Lists the type of elements which are valid for defining the constraints. The options which are available depend on whether you are performing a stress or modal analysis.

Analysis Type

Specifies the type of analysis you want to perform.

  • Stress--Analyzes the stress characteristics of the part when force or pressure loads are defined. You can display displacement and stress concentration characteristics for the part.

  • Modal--Analyzes the vibration characteristics of a part to determine its natural frequencies.


Performs the analysis. After you define the constraints, the analysis begins processing automatically.


Cancels the Simulation Express command.

Accept (check mark)

Accepts the current selection or input and continues to the next step.

Deselect (x)

Clears the current selection.

Analysis output options

Output Options - Stress Analysis

Display Format

Specifies the display format for the analysis output.

  • Stress--Shows the areas of the part where the strain will be experienced.

  • Displacement--Shows the areas of the part where the deformation (change in shape) will occur.

  • Factor of Safety--Shows the area of the model where the stress will exceed an amount determined by the material's yield strength divided by a value you type in the Factor of Safety box.

Display Contours

Displays stress contours using a graduated color display in the graphics window.

Display Deformation

Changes the shape of the model to simulate the deformation characteristics of the model under the loads you defined.

FOS (Factor of Safety)

Selects a factor of safety. This option is only available when you set the Display Format option to Factor of Safety. You can type a number to apply the factor of safety you want.

Output Options - Modal Analysis


Displays a list of natural frequencies for the part. You can select a natural frequency from the list, then display an animated image of the deformation at the selected frequency.

Display Deformation

Animates the part to display the deformation characteristics. This option is always set with a modal analysis.


Pauses the animation at the current frame.


Plays the animation.


Stops the animation. Returns the display to the animation start frame.

HTML Report Generation

Displays the Create Report dialog box. When you click the Create Report button on the Create Report dialog box, an HTML report is displayed in your browser window.

You can use the Save As command on the File menu in your browser to save the HTML report to a location and file name you define.

Save Animation

Displays the Save As Image dialog box so you can save a picture or animation file on the analysis output to a format you specify. This allows you to add the picture or animation file to another document, such as Word, PowerPoint, or an email message.

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