Block Options dialog box

The Block Options dialog box is available when defining a new block with the Block command. To open it, select the Block Options button on the Block command bar.


Enters a descriptive name that describes the block graphics. For example, if the block graphics indicate a switch, type the name of the switch. You can make multiple entries in the Name and Value fields.

After the block has been created, this name is displayed when you open the Block Properties dialog box.

This is equivalent to the AutoCAD block name.


Enters a value associated with the block graphics property identified in the Name field, above. You can make multiple entries in the Name and Value fields.

After the block has been created, this value is displayed when you open the Block Properties dialog box.

Scale Dimensions and Annotations

Specifies that dimension, annotation, and block label text associated with the block are scaled with the block graphics. This option is set by default. To prevent text from being scaled, clear this option.


The information entered in the Name and Value fields for block graphics properties and block label properties can be extracted into callouts, balloons, and similar annotations. The annotations can be included in the master block definition or they can be added to a block occurrence on a drawing.

To extract block properties for display in an annotation, open the appropriate annotation properties dialog box, and click the Property Text button. In the Select Property Text dialog box, choose 'From Graphic Connection' as the source, and then select 'Block Property' from the property list.

When a block is placed, its variable text is processed and the results are displayed with the block occurrence. Text inside the block is scaled automatically if it was created inside the block or as a sub-block in a nested block.

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