Use Harness Wizard to Create a Harness Design

This procedure provides the basic steps for using the Harness Wizard command to automatically generate a harness design based on information defined in an imported ECAD net list file. For more information on using the Harness Wizard, see the Working with Harness Design help topic.

Step 1.

On the Harness Design toolbar, click the Harness Wizard button.

Step 2.

On the Harness Wizard - Step 1 of 3 dialog box, specify a document format, component document, and connection document to be used in the harness design.

Step 3.

Click the Next button.

Step 4.

On the Harness Wizard - Step 2 of 3 dialog box, use the available commands to make component and occurrence assignments, or populate the assembly.

Step 5.

Click the Next button.

Step 6.

On the Harness Wizard - Step 3 of 3 dialog box, use the available commands to modify connections, delete connections from the harness design, or preview the harness design.

Step 7.

Click the Finish button.


  • Use the Assign Component command to assign a component to a part in the assembly. When you use this command the attributes are written to the part files if you have write-access.

  • Use the Assign Occurrence command to assign an occurrence to a component or swap existing occurrences.

  • Use the Populate command to add a part to the assembly that is listed in the components file, but missing from the assembly.

  • Use the Assign Terminal command to assign a terminal to a circular edge on a part in the assembly. When you use this command the attributes are written to the part files if you have write-access.

  • Use the Delete Wire From Harness command to delete a wire from the harness design.

  • Use the Preview command to preview the harness design. You can preview a single connection, or use the Ctrl and Shift keys to preview multiple connections.

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