Save As (Components or Connections) dialog box

Specifies the name and folder information for the component (*.CMP or .CMP_XML or connection (*.CON or .CON_XML) being saved.

Save In

Specifies the folder to which you want to save the document. The system stores the last location you browsed in the Save In box.

Go to Last Folder Visited

Returns to the last folder that you visited.

Up One Level

Accesses the parent folder.

Create New Folder

Creates a new folder named "New Folder" in the list and places you in in-place editing mode, so that you can rename the folder.

View Menu

Controls the display method for the listed documents.

Large Icons

Displays large icons for the documents.

Small Icons

Displays small icons for the documents.


Lists the names of the documents in columns.


Displays a detailed view of the folder contents. The columns displayed include Name, Size, Type, and Modified.


Displays thumbnails for the documents.

File Name

Specifies the name of the document.

Save As Type

Specifies which document type you want to use to save the document. In addition to the default format, you can also save the component and connection information to .XML format.

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