General tab (Tube Options dialog box)


Displays the template used for the new document. You can use the Browse button to select the template you want to use.


The last template you selected is used as the default the next time you start the Tube command. When you are in a Teamcenter-managed environment, the managed templates are recalled. When you are in an unmanaged environment, the last unmanaged template you selected is the default.

You can use Browse button to display the New dialog box to define the document template you want to use.

File Location

Displays the storage location for the tube part. You can click the Browse button to specify a storage location in a folder on your computer or a computer in your network.

You can use the Browse button to display the Browse For Folder dialog box to specify the storage location for the tube part.

File Name

Specifies the name of the tube part.


Specifies the material for the tube part. The list of materials is populated from the Material Table.

If a material is specified in the template you use to create the tube, it is the default material for the initial creation of the tube. If no material exists in the template, the default material is the material used when the last tube was created. If there was no last used material, the default material is Copper, if Copper exists in the Material Table. If Copper does not exist in the Material table, the default material is None.


If you click OK on the Tube Options dialog box with a material that has no density assigned, a warning dialog box indicates that the tube file has no density, which causes the physical property calculations for the assembly to be inaccurate. To correct the problem, you can select a material with a defined density or you can leave the material without a defined density.

Bend Radius

Specifies the bend radius value for the feature you are constructing. This information is stored as the Tube Bend Radius property for reports and parts lists. Selecting the User Default Value option uses the default value specified on the Options dialog box. If you want to enter a different radius, clear the User Default Value option and type the desired bend radius.

Outer Diameter

Specifies the outside diameter of the tube. This information is stored as the Tube Outer Diameter property for reports and parts lists. Selecting the User Default Value option uses the default value specified on the Options dialog box. If you want to enter a different outer diameter, clear the User Default Value option and type the desired outer diameter.

Minimum Flat Length

Sets the minimum length for a tube segment. This information is stored as the Tube Minimum Length property for reports and parts lists. Selecting the User Default Value option uses the default value specified on the Options dialog box. If you want to enter a different minimum flat length, clear the User Default Value option and type the desired minimum flat length.


Specifies that the tube part should be solid. If you select this option, the Wall Thickness option is not available.

Wall Thickness

Specifies the wall thickness for the tube. This information is stored as the Tube Wall Thickness property for reports and parts lists. Selecting the User Default Value option uses the default value specified on the Options dialog box. If you want to enter a different wall thickness, clear the User Default Value option and type the desired wall thickness.

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