Groove Weld command bar

Displays the Groove Weld Options dialog box so you can define the characteristics of the weld.

Main Steps

Select Base Faces Step

Defines the faces you want to add to the base side of the weld. The faces can be from one or more components. Faces on existing fillet weld features are valid for selection.

Select Target Faces Step

Defines the faces you want to add to the target side of the weld. The faces can be from one or more components. Faces on existing fillet weld features are valid for selection.

Path Projection Step

Specifies how the target top and bottom paths are projected onto the base faces. In some cases, this step can be used to control the shape of the feature. In other cases, selecting a different path projection option allows you to construct groove welds that cannot be constructed using the default options.

Extent Step

Specifies the extent of the weld bead. You can set options that allow you to offset the start and end faces of the weld bead from the target paths. For example, you may want to start and stop the weld bead 10 millimeters from the ends of the target paths.

You can also specify whether the start and end faces are planar faces, or are capping surfaces constructed using the edge geometry of the weld bead.

The start end of the weld is determined by the target top-path element. An origin point is displayed at the start end.


This button changes function as you move through the feature construction process. The Finish button constructs the feature using input provided in the other steps. Once you construct the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards any input and exits the command.

Select Base Faces Step Options

Base Side Faces Step

Specifies the faces for the base side of the weld.

Base Top-Path Step

Specifies the edges for the top-path on the base side of the weld. When this step is required, you can select edges from the base face select set.

Base Bottom-Path Step

Specifies the edges for the bottom-path on the base side of the weld. When this step is required, you can select edges from the base face select set.

Activate Part

Activates an inactive part. To activate the part, select the Activate button and then select the part.


Specifies the selection criteria. For this step, you can specify whether individual faces or chains of faces are selectable.

Deselect (x)

Clears the selection.

Accept (check mark)

Accepts the selection.

Select Target Side Step Options

Target Side Faces Step

Specifies the faces for the target side of the weld.

Target Top-Path Step

Specifies the edges for the top-path on the target side of the weld. When this step is required, you can select edges from the target face select set. An origin point is displayed at the end of the edge nearest to the cursor. This origin point is used to define the start end of the groove weld feature.

The start and stop ends of the feature are used when defining offset values in the Extent Step.

Target Bottom-Path Step

Specifies the edges for the bottom-path on the target side of the weld. When this step is required, you can select edges from the target face select set.

Activate Part

Activates an inactive part. To activate the part, select the Activate button and then select the part.


Specifies the selection criteria. For this step, you can specify whether individual faces or chains of faces are selectable.

Deselect (x)

Clears the selection.

Accept (check mark)

Accepts the selection.

Path Projection Step Options

Top Path

Specifies the path projection method you want to use for the top path on the target face set.

  • Normal To Base--Specifies that the top path on the target face set is projected normal to the base faces to construct the weld.

  • Extend Surface--Specifies that the top path on the target face set is extended towards the base faces along an extension vector that is defined by the orientation of the faces which connect to the target edges.

Bottom Path

Specifies the path projection method you want to use for the bottom path on the target face set.

  • Normal To Base--Specifies that the bottom path on the target face set is projected normal to the base faces.

  • Extend Surface--Specifies that the top path on the target face set is extended towards the base faces along an extension vector that is defined by the orientation of the faces which connect to the target edges.

  • Same as Top--Specifies that the bottom path on the target face set is extended towards the base faces using the same method specified for the top path.

Extent Step Options

End 1 and End 2

Specifies how the two capping faces of the bead are constructed. End 1 of the weld bead is determined by the target top-path edges.

  • Plane--Specifies that the capping face is a planar face that is constructed normal to the target top-path edge. When you set this option, you can define an offset value by typing a distance, or you can click the End Plane button, and define the offset distance dynamically in the graphic window using the cursor.

  • Surface--Specifies that the face is constructed using a capping surface. The capping surface is constructed using the end edges of the weld bead to form a lofted capping surface. Depending on the input geometry, this capping surface can be planar or non-planar.

End Plane 1 and End Plane 2 Buttons

Allows you to define the location of the capping plane dynamically using the cursor in the graphic window.

Distance 1 and Distance 2 Boxes

Allows you to type an offset value.

command bar Options


Displays the feature name. Feature names are assigned automatically. You can edit the name by typing a new name in the box on the command bar or by selecting the feature and using the Rename command on the shortcut menu.

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