Making the Most of Solid Edge Help

Solid Edge help is a highly navigable information system consisting of right-at-your fingertips information on how to use Solid Edge commands, dialog boxes, and programming interfaces. In most cases, topics that apply to the active command or dialog box are available simply by pressing the F1 key or by clicking a Help button. Content is cross-referenced, indexed, and fully searchable to help you find just what you need when you need it.

The help window consists of the toolbar, the navigation pane, and the topic pane.

The toolbar, which is located below the help window title bar, enables you to Hide/Show the Navigation pane, go back and forward through the topics displayed within a session, and print help topics.

The Topic pane is located on the right side of the help window. It displays the help content and buttons and hypertext to help you find information related to the displayed topic.

The Navigation tab, located on the left side of the help window, has four tabs: the Contents tab, the Index tab, the Search tab, and the Favorites tab. The Contents tab displays an arrangement of topics that is similar to the table of contents in a book. The Index tab displays Keywords on which you can search to find related topics, much like the index of a book. The Search tab provides access to a full-text search. This differs from a keyword search in that it will search across every word in the help file--literally thousands of topics of information--to help you find just what you're looking for. The Favorites tab enables you to store a list of your favorite or most frequently used help topics.

Using the search feature

Solid Edge help supports advanced full-text searches. The following search options are available: basic search, wildcard search, nested search, or boolean search. You can also search for similar words, or you can search through a previous results list.

The basic rules for formulating queries are as follows:

  1. Searches are not case-sensitive, so you can type your search in uppercase or lowercase characters.

  2. You can search for any combination of letters (a-z) and numbers (0-9).

  3. Punctuation marks such as the period, colon, semicolon, comma, and hyphen are ignored during a search.

  4. Group the elements of your search using double quotes or parentheses to set apart each element. You cannot search for quotation marks.

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How do I