Search Criteria List

The search for documents can be enhanced by using expressions for comparison with the property you select in the Property portion of the Search dialog. The following is a list of valid expressions for defining search criteria.


  • Searching for special characters requires the special character to be enclosed by brackets [ ]. Examples: [*], ["], [ [ ], [ ] ], [?]

  • A search involving dates requires that the date be enclosed by the pound character #. Example: #MM/DD/YYYY#

  • A text search using the expression for not equal to should include a space between the = and the search string which should be enclosed in quotes. Example: != "cat"

  • The property Document Number is of type string and not numeric, therefore a search based on numeric value may not return the results you expect.


Definition and Examples


Greater than

"> 123" will return values greater than 123.


Less than

"< 123" will return values less than 123.


Greater than or equal to

">=123" will return values greater than or equal to 123.


Less than or equal to

"<=123" will return values less than or equal to 123.


Equal to

"=123" will return values equal to 123.


Not equal to

For the property type of number, "!=123" will return values not equal to 123.

For the property type of text, != "abc" will return values not equal to abc.



"A*" will return words starting with A.

Extended search options are only available with managed searches.


Single character wildcard

"ABC?" returns all words that start with ABC and contain one additional character.



[A-F]BCD returns all four letter words that start with the letters A through F.



[^A]BCD returns all four letter words to do not begin with A.



"Iron*" and "Steel*" displays results where both words are found.



"Red" or "Black" displays results where either word is found.

Between x and y


Between #MM/DD/YYYY# and #MM/DD/YYYY# will return values between the two dates (based on regional format).

The value used for y should be greater than the value used for x, else an error will result or no results will be found.


Is Empty

Displays results where the field does not have a value (blank or NULL).


Is Not Empty

Displays results where the field has any value other than blank or NULL.



Displays result where the value is True. Checked Out set to True displays documents that have a status of Checked Out.



Displays result where the value is not true. Checked Out set to False displays documents that are not checked out.

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