New cutting plane caption position

A fourth option is now available for positioning the label in a cutting plane caption with respect to the cutting plane view direction line and its terminators. The new option, Direction Line Outside Open End, can be selected from the Cutting plane caption location list on the Caption Format tab (Drawing View Style dialog box). The Caption Format tab is available when you define view annotation captions for cutting planes within the drawing view style.


Cutting plane label F is located outside the open end of the cutting plane view direction line, and aligned with the tail of the terminator.

In (A), the view direction lines are set to Point away from the cutting plane.

In (B), the view direction lines are set to Point toward the cutting plane.

For examples of the other caption location options, refer to the Caption Format tab (Drawing View Style dialog box).

For more information about defining view annotation captions, see the Help topic, Working with view annotation captions.