Circular Pattern command bar (Sketch)


Sets the active style. This option is available only when working with a sketch.

Line Color

Sets the drawing color. You can click the More option to define custom colors with the Colors dialog box.

Line Type

Sets the drawing line type and style. This option is available only when working with a sketch.

Line Width

Sets the line width. This option is available only when working with a sketch.

Reference Point

Defines which pattern occurrence is used to align the pattern profile with the feature being patterned. The pattern occurrence that is the active reference point is shown as a bold x.

Suppress Occurrence

Specifies which pattern occurrences you want to suppress. You can select an individual occurrence by clicking it, or a group of occurrences by clicking and dragging to define a rectangular area.

Suppress Regions

Specifies which pattern occurrences you want to suppress by selecting an existing closed sketch.


Specifies whether the suppressed occurrences are inside or outside the closed sketch.

Pattern Type

Specifies how the pattern is constructed:

Fit--You specify the number of occurrences, and the radius of the pattern profile. When constructing a partial circular pattern, you can also specify the sweep angle of the pattern arc. The software calculates the angular spacing.

Filled--You specify the angular spacing, and the radius of the pattern profile. When constructing a partial circular pattern, you can also specify the sweep angle of the pattern arc. The software calculates the number of occurrences.

Fixed--You specify the number of occurrences, the radius of the pattern profile, and the angular spacing. The software calculates the sweep angle of the pattern arc. This option is not available when constructing full circular patterns.

Partial Circle

Specifies that the pattern profile is an arc.

Full Circle

Specifies that the pattern profile is a circle.


Sets the radius.


Sets the sweep angle.


Sets the number of copies in the pattern.


Sets the angular spacing between pattern occurrences.

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