Create 3D dialog box

Add to new file

Specifies that you want to create a new part, sheet metal, or assembly document for the 2D drawing view geometry that you select.

When you select this option, you must also select a template from the File list, or use the Browse button to locate one.

Add to existing file

Specifies that you want to update an existing part, sheet metal, or assembly document with the 2D drawing view geometry that you select.

When you select this option, you must also use the Browse button to select the model document you want to update.


Displays the template to create the new model document, or the path name and file name of the model document to update. You can select a part, assembly, or sheet metal template or model file.

You can use the Browse button to locate and select the template or document you want to use.


Specifies that you want to select 2D drawing view geometry and dimensions to be converted to a sketch in the model file.

Use the Next button to define each 2D drawing view that you want to convert to a sketch in the model.


Clears the selection of any drawing view geometry, and returns to the file selection step.


Specifies that you are finished selecting 2D drawing views. Opens the part, sheet metal, or assembly document with the Create 3D sketches in it.


Cancels the Create 3D process and closes the dialog box. No sketches are created.

Create 3D Options

Projection Angle

Specifies which standard you want to use for projection angle.


Sets the projection angle to first angle projection.


Sets the projection angle to third angle projection.

Include Dimensions

Specifies the different dimension types that can be copied along with the 2D sketch geometry. Use these options when dragging a box around the geometry to prevent unwanted dimensions from being added to the selection set.


Allows selection of linear type dimensions.


Allows selection of radial, diameter and other related dimensions.


Allows selection of angular type dimensions.

View Properties

Specifies the view type to create from the 2D geometry. Use the Fold principal views option to define the primary part view.

Fold principal views

Specifies the primary (first) part view. This creates an orthogonal part view parallel to one of the three principal planes as defined by the global coordinate system of the model document.

You can use this option to define additional principal views, which may be orthogonal or aligned with the primary view.

Fold auxiliary views

Creates a new part view that shows the part rotated 90 degrees about a folding line. The drawing view is created from the axis of this fold line. You can create auxiliary views from principal views and existing auxiliary views.

Copy view(s) only

Places copy view(s) as sketches on the same plane as the last principal view defined in the draft file. Copy view(s) are not orthogonal, and they may not align with the primary view.


Applies a scale value to the model geometry created from the drawing view. For example, to make the model sketch geometry two times larger, type 2. This results in a scale of 1:2, where the first number refers to the drawing and the second number refers to the model sketch.

The default scale is 1:1.

Primary view

Specifies the view orientation--front, back, right, left, top, or bottom--for the primary (first) model view created.

Set Fold Line

Defines a line or point in an auxiliary or orthogonal view to fold about the primary view. This ensures the proper orientation of the sketches being created. You can select the Set Fold Line button after you select all of the elements for a view that is not the primary view.

To learn how, see Defining a folding line.

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