Drawing Tools

Solid Edge provides tools to help you draw quickly and precisely in a variety of situations.


Grids help you draw with precision when the endpoints of elements you are drawing fit within regular intervals.


IntelliSketch helps you create, and optionally maintain, geometric relationships between elements. As you draw, IntelliSketch recognizes the opportunity to relate new elements to existing elements and displays visual cues that help make elements connected, tangent, collinear, perpendicular, parallel, and so forth.

Based on your preference, Solid Edge will either maintain the relationships that IntelliSketch creates or only use IntelliSketch to create new elements with precision, without maintaining relationships as you add and change geometry.


The FreeSketch command initiates a freehand drawing tool that you can use to sketch lines, arcs, circles and rectangles. As you press and hold the mouse button and drag the cursor across the drawing sheet, a rough sketch of your design appears. When you release the mouse button, the software recognizes the shapes in your sketch and turns them into a precise drawing.

To learn how, see Draw with FreeSketch.

Projection Lines

Projection lines help you maintain alignment of key points, for example between related 2D Drawing Views of a model. Projection lines fulfill the function of the squares, triangles, and parallel rules used in classical drafting.

Sketch Cleanup

Use the Clean Sketch command in the Draw group to remove redundant and unwanted elements from a sketch.

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