Example: Connect points while drawing a line

  1. Choose Sketching tab→Draw group→Line.

  2. Click where you want the line to begin (A).

  3. Move the cursor to a position where IntelliSketch recognizes the end point of a line on the drawing sheet (B).

  4. When the point on IntelliSketch relationship indicator is displayed at the cursor, click to define the end of the line (C).

IntelliSketch places a connect relationship handle where the two lines meet.


To snap to an intersection point or a keypoint, locate the element(s) with the cursor and then press one of these shortcut keys.

  • Midpoint of a line or arc: press M.

  • Intersection point of lines, circle, curves, and arcs: press I.

  • Center point of a circle or arc: press C.

  • Endpoint of a line, arc, or curve: press E.

For intersection points--If there are multiple eligible points located, then QuickPick opens and lists them. In QuickPick, click to select the point you want.