Info Tab

Displays and allows you to set symbol placement options such as the symbol angle, drawing sheet on which you want to place the symbol, and coordinates for the symbol.


Displays the name of the selected symbol.


Specifies the drawing sheet the symbol is placed on.


Specifies the layer that the symbol is placed on. When you place a symbol, it is placed on the active layer.

X Origin

Specifies the x coordinate of the symbol origin.

Y Origin

Specifies the y coordinate of the symbol origin.


Specifies the angle for the symbol. The default angle is 0, and is horizontal to the bottom of the screen. You can specify a new angle. The number of degrees increases in the counterclockwise direction. For example, 90 degrees is at the top of the screen.


Sets a quantity to use when reporting the number of occurrences of a symbol in a document. This value is used when an application counts the number of each type of component for a report. This box allows you to define a quantity so that a single symbol in the drawing can represent many objects in a report.

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