Drawing view captions

Drawing view captions and view annotation captions are defined as part of the Drawing View style in the Drawing View Style dialog box.

Defining drawing view captions

You can define default caption content using plain text, property text, and symbols. When a drawing view is placed, the information referenced by the property text codes is displayed in the drawing view caption and in the view annotation caption.

Use the Caption tab (Drawing View Style dialog box) to specify the property text-derived content of the primary caption and the secondary caption.

Use the Caption Format tab (Drawing View Style dialog box) to specify the formatting of the caption and its location with respect to the drawing view or view annotation. You can:

Use the Lines tab to specify the appearance of lines and terminators used in cutting planes, viewing planes, and detail envelopes, and in the section, auxiliary, and detail drawing views that are derived from them.

In addition, each drawing view style references formatting instructions from the following tabs in the drawing Dimension style:

To learn how to create captions within drawing view styles, see the Help topic, Define drawing view captions using property text.

Defining view annotation captions

The captions for Section Views, Auxiliary Views, and Detail Views are independent of the captions for the view annotations used to create them. Use the middle portion of the Caption tab—under View Annotation—to specify a single line of property text, plain text, and symbols that you always want to display in the source view caption where the currently selected View Annotation Type—Cutting Plane, Viewing Plane, or Detail Envelope—is drawn.

Whatever you define as the default caption content may be modified after a drawing view is placed by selecting the cutting plane line, the viewing plane line, or the detail envelope and then opening the Properties dialog box.

You are not limited to the property text inserted by the following buttons:

See the Help topic, Define a view annotation caption.

Automating drawing view caption content

Using property text to extract information into a caption ensures caption content is current. For example, inserting the %VS and %VR property text codes into the caption text displays the current view scale and view rotation angle. Inserting the %LN property text code into the section view caption displays the sheet location of the cutting plane used to create it. Similarly, inserting the %VN property text code into the detail envelope caption displays the sheet number of the detail view.

You can use the check boxes in the Caption section on the Annotation page (Solid Edge Options dialog box) to automate the following:

Assigning view annotation labels

The alphanumeric labels that appear in view annotation captions are defined in the Specify Annotation Letters dialog box. You can define four different sequences of any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers, and you can assign a different labeling sequence to different view annotations. The labels can be assigned automatically according to a user-defined order or in the order they are created.

You can specify the order in which labels are generated using the following options on the Annotation tab (Solid Edge Options dialog box).

Follow object creation sequence

Assigns names based on the order in which view annotation objects are generated.

Follow defined object sequence

Assigns names to view annotation objects based on a user-defined order. You can use the Define Object Sequence dialog box to specify the order.

To learn how, see Define annotation labels.

The following table compares the effect on view annotation names when using object creation sequence to determine view annotation names and when using the order in the Define Object Sequence dialog box.

Label results for:

Creation order

Annotation object created

Follow object creation sequence

Follow defined object sequence


Cutting plane 1

A - Cutting plane 1

A - Viewing plane 1


Viewing plane 1

B - Viewing plane 1

B - Viewing plane 2


Detail envelope 1

C - Detail envelope 1

C - Viewing plane 3


Cutting plane 2

D - Cutting plane 2

D - Detail envelope 1


Detail envelope 2

E - Detail envelope 2

E - Detail envelope 2


Viewing plane 2

F - Viewing plane 2

F - Cutting plane 1


Viewing plane 3

G - Viewing plane 3

G - Cutting plane 2

Showing and hiding caption content

There are multiple levels of display control for captions:

For each primary or secondary caption you define, for each drawing view type and view annotation type, you can use the Show check boxes on the Caption tab under Drawing View and under View Annotation to control whether the caption is displayed by default when the view or view annotation is placed. You also can use the Show check boxes at the bottom of the Caption tab—under Properties—to selectively control whether individual property text strings are extracted and displayed in the caption.

You can select existing drawing views and view annotations and use the Show Caption button on the command bar to control whether a Primary or Secondary caption is shown or not, and if shown, whether individual, subordinate parts of the caption (such as view annotation name, suffix, view scale, and angle of rotation) are displayed.

Modifying caption properties

You can control caption display and formatting separately for a drawing view, such as an auxiliary or section view, and for the viewing plane or cutting plane used to create it.

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