You define drawing view captions and view annotation captions within a drawing view style. As part of this process, you:
On the Caption tab (Drawing View Style dialog box), from the Drawing View Type list, choose one of the following drawing view types to define a caption:
Principal and Pictorial Views
Section Views
Detail Views
Auxiliary Views
2D Model Views
From the second list, select the caption type—Primary caption or Secondary caption—and then select the Show check box.
In the top portion of the Caption tab—under Drawing View—some standard property text codes and other content is displayed based on the drawing view type you selected. Do the following to define content that you always want to display when a drawing view of the current type is placed:
Delete the content you do not want to keep.
Click the Properties buttons to insert any of the four most frequently used property text codes—Suffix (%AS), Annotation Sheet Number (%LN), View Scale (%VS), and Angle of Rotation (%VR)—into the text box.
These property text codes reference the Properties boxes at the bottom of the Caption tab.
To add descriptive text, punctuation, or symbols, click where you want to insert it in the caption text, and then:
Type plain text.
Click the Symbols button to select and insert symbols such as degree or diameter directly into the text using the Select Symbols and Values dialog box.
Click the Property Text button to choose property text from sources other than the drawing view using the Select Property Text dialog box.
Selecting From graphic connection as the property text source extracts property values from the model the drawing view depicts.
Click the Show check box.
For Principal and Pictorial Views, you may want to show the view scale and the rotation angle whenever a view is rotated. Do the following:
In the text box, type SCALE=, click the View Scale %VS button , and then press Enter to insert a new line.
Type VIEW ANGLE=, and then click the Angle of Rotation %VR button .
At the bottom of the Caption tab—under Properties, do the following:
For each of the property text codes you inserted into the Caption text box, such as %VS and %VR, ensure the appropriate property text strings exist in the Properties boxes, and that the content is what you want to show in the caption.
The Properties boxes contain property text strings that derive their values from the drawing view or the view annotation. You can add content to the default property text strings by typing, copying and pasting, and inserting symbols.
Parentheses ( ) are shown around the Annotation Sheet Number and View Sheet Number property text strings. You can delete the parentheses, if you do not want them to appear in the caption. You can add other kinds of text and punctuation by typing it.
If you delete the default property text strings in a Properties box, you can use the buttons located at the right side of the box to recreate it.
For each property that you want to include in the caption, select the corresponding Show check box.
You can define a primary caption and secondary caption for each drawing view type.
For section views, auxiliary views, or detail views, use the middle portion of the Caption tab—under View Annotation—to specify a single line of content that you always want to display in the caption of a source view with a cutting plane line, a viewing plane line, or a detail envelope:
On the Caption tab (Drawing View Style dialog box), from the View Annotation Type list, select one of the following:
Cutting Plane
Viewing Plane
Detail Envelope
In the Caption box, click the Properties buttons to insert property text codes, or type plain text as you want it to appear.
You also can use the Property Text button at the top of the dialog box to insert other property text strings, and you can use the Symbols button to insert symbol codes.
Click the Show check box.
At the bottom of the Caption tab—under Properties, do the following:
For each of the property text codes you inserted into the view annotation Caption text box, such as %VA and %VN, ensure the appropriate property text strings exist in the Properties boxes, and that the content is what you want to show in the caption.
For each property that you want to include in the caption, select the corresponding Show check box.
You can create a cross-reference between the sheet the view annotation is on and the sheet the drawing view is on. When either is moved to a different sheet, the sheet number is in each of the drawing view captions.
To do this, the %LN and %VN property text codes must be added to the caption text boxes, and the property text strings must exist in the Annotation Sheet Number (%LN) and View Sheet Number Properties (%VN) edit boxes.
For an example, see Define a view annotation caption.
Within the drawing view style, you can use the Caption Format tab (Drawing View Style dialog box) to specify the formatting of primary captions differently from secondary captions.
Click the Caption Format tab.
From the Caption type list, select Primary caption of drawing views and view annotations.
Select the Separator check box.
You can define different font properties for different drawing view styles by doing the following:
Click the Caption Format tab.
From the Caption type list, select one of these Caption types:
Primary caption of drawing views and view annotations
Secondary caption of drawing views
Do any of the following:
Choose a different font from the Font list.
Type a different font size in the Font size box.
Choose a different color from the Color list.
Change the text alignment from Center (the default) to Left or Right.
The text is aligned with respect to the view width.
You can use the Microsoft Character Map dialog box to insert Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language characters into the caption text, as well as symbols not supported by the Solid Edge symbol fonts. In this case you should choose a font that will support those characters, for example, Arial Unicode MS.
You can change the default location of drawing view captions and view annotation captions.
Click the Caption Format tab.
From the Caption type list, select one of these Caption types:
Primary caption of drawing views and view annotations
Secondary caption of drawing views
Do any of the following:
Change the Drawing view caption location from Bottom to Top.
Change the Cutting plane caption location with respect to the direction arrows.
For illustrations of the available options, see the Caption Format tab (Drawing View Style dialog box).
Change the location of the viewing plane caption with respect to the terminator.
Change the Drawing view sheet number location in view annotation captions with respect to the cutting plane or viewing plane direction arrows.
Left Arrow |
Both Arrows |