Dimension Style Mapping
Specifies that the setting on the Dimension Style tab of the Options dialog box determines the dimension style. When you set this option, Dimension Style is unavailable.
Dimension Style
Lists and applies the available dimension styles. This control is unavailable when Dimension Style Mapping is enabled.
Text scale
Applies a scale value to the text height of annotations. Increasing or decreasing the text scale changes the overall text size. The default is 1.0.
Accesses the Datum Target Properties dialog box.
Use Drawing View Scale
Specifies that the datum point position and data area symbol size match the scale of a drawing view that you select. The selected drawing view is highlighted and remains the active scale selection for additional datum targets that you place.
Use this option to associate the datum area symbol with the drawing view, so that it moves and scales with the drawing view.
Datum Target Type
Specifies one of the following datum target types.
Target types |
Displays |
Datum target |
Movable datum target |
Note: You can drag the break line edit point to flip the movable datum target annotation to the other side. |
Break Line
Displays a horizontal break line on the leader.
Break line length is set on the Text and Leader page in the Datum Target Properties dialog box.
Near Side
Displays a solid leader line, to indicate that it is pointing to the near side of the part.
Far Side
Displays a dashed leader line, to indicate that it is pointing to the far side of the part.
Placement Options
Controls symbol placement and display. You can display the datum target only, the datum point only, or both.
Datum Point Type
Specifies the datum point symbol display type.
Datum Point Type |
Displays |
Datum point |
Datum circular area |
Datum rectangular area |
Specifies the diameter of a circular datum target area. If the Show Datum Area option also is selected, the size is displayed in the top half of the datum target symbol.
You also can enter the diameter of the circle in the General tab, Datum Target Properties dialog box.
Rectangle (length x width)
Specifies the length and width of a rectangular datum target area. If the Show Datum Area option also is selected, the size is displayed in the top half of the datum target symbol.
You also can enter the size of the rectangle in the General tab, Datum Target Properties dialog box.
Show Datum Area
Specifies whether the datum area is shown in the datum target symbol.
Specifies the datum feature reference letter and datum target number.
Set Dimension Plane
Sets the active dimension plane for the creation of PMI dimensions and annotations. The active dimension plane controls how values are calculated and how the text is displayed.
Activate Part
Makes a part in an assembly available for selection and for dimensioning and annotating. This option is only available in assembly models.