Drag Component command bar


Displays the Analysis Options dialog box so you can define the analysis options you want to use.

Motion Analysis

Sets the method of analysis during part movements.

  • No Analysis--Allows you to move under-constrained parts and observe the results. You can use the Reset button on the command bar to return the parts to their original positions.

  • Detect Collisions--Allows you to detect collisions when moving parts. When this option is set, the Distance and Angle values you specify are applied all at once, rather than incrementally. To simulate incremental movement, type a small value and press the Enter key repeatedly.


    The current zoom level impacts the accuracy of collision detection. For more accurate results, zoom in closer to the area where collisions are suspected.

  • Physical Motion--Allows you to simulate physical motion between parts. This option detects contact between unconstrained surfaces and applies temporary constraints between the contacting surfaces. This makes it possible to analyze motion in mechanisms that contain gears and other forms of sliding contact. When this option is set, the Distance and Angle values you specify are applied incrementally, rather than all at once.

    You can also use the Sensitivity option on the command bar to control the performance and accuracy when the Physical Motion option is set.

Select Part

Specifies which part you want to move. The part must be grounded or not fully positioned. You cannot move a part that is associatively linked to an assembly layout. You can only select grounded parts and subassemblies when the Locate Grounded Components option on the Analysis Options dialog box is set.


Moves back one step.


Moves forward one step.


Returns the parts to their original positions.


Moves the part along the selected axis.


Rotates the part along the selected axis.

Freeform Move

Moves the part dynamically in 3D space.


Displays the linear distance that the part was moved if you move the part by dragging it. Sets the distance to move the part if you type a value.


Displays the angular distance that the part was rotated if you rotate the part by dragging it. Sets the angular distance to rotate the part if you type a value.

Collision Sensitivity Slider

Sets the sensitivity of collision detection when the Physical Motion option is set. Performance is improved when the slider is moved towards Low, but the probability of finding collisions with smaller geometry increases when the slider is moved towards High. This option is available only when the Motion Analysis option on the command bar is set to Physical Motion.

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