Analysis Options dialog box

Locate Grounded Components

Specifies whether you can select parts and subassemblies which are grounded. When you set this option, you can select grounded parts and subassemblies.

Analyze (Shown Parts Only)

Sets the analyze option you want to use. These options are used when you set the Physical Motion option on the Drag Component command bar.

Active Parts Only

Specifies that only active parts are included in the set of parts. This option is useful when working with a large assembly and you want to limit the analysis to a limited set of parts. You can inactivate the parts that you do not want to participate in the analysis, which can improve performance.

Both Active and Inactive Parts

Specifies that both active and inactive parts are included in the analysis.

Collision Options

Sets the Collision option you want to use. These options are used when you set the Detect Collisions option on the Drag Component command bar.

Detect Collisions Encountered by Selected Part/Subassembly Only

Specifies that only the collisions encountered by the selected part or subassembly are detected.

Detect Collisions Among All Analyzed Parts/Subassemblies

Specifies that all collisions encountered by all the parts are detected.

Show Existing Interferences

Displays interferences that exist before movement begins.

Sound Warning When Collision Occurs

Specifies that an audible warning is sounded when collisions occur. The interfering faces are also temporarily displayed.

Stop Movement When Collision Occurs

Specifies that the part you are dragging stops moving temporarily when collisions occur. The interfering faces are also temporarily displayed.

Show This Dialog When Collision Detection Is Activated

Displays the Collision Options dialog box when you select the Detect Collisions button on the Drag Component command bar.

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