Options dialog box (Assemble command bar)

Specifies what part placement options you want to use.

Use FlashFit as the Default Placement Method

Specifies that the FlashFit option in the Relationship Types list is the default option. When you clear this option, the Mate relationship is the default option.

Use Reduced Steps When Placing Parts

Reduces the number of steps required when positioning a part using relationships. When you set this option, you do not have to select a target part or placement part. You specify which parts you want by selecting a target face and placement face.

If you want to use a reference plane on the target part to position the placement part, you must display the reference planes first when the Reduced Steps option is set.

When placing a subassembly using FlashFit or the Reduced Steps mode, the parts in the subassembly must be active before you can select a face. If the subassembly is not already active, you can use the Activate Part button on the Place Part command bar to activate the placement part in the subassembly which contains the face you want to select.

Automatically Capture Fit When Placing Parts

Specifies that the relationships you use to position a part are automatically captured to the Capture Fit command. When you capture relationships, you can place a part with fewer steps. This can be useful for parts that are used several times in an assembly.

Use Distance Between Faces as Default Offset

Specifies that the current distance between faces is used as the default offset value when using the Edit Definition option. This can be useful when editing the position of a part, and you change the Offset type from Floating to Fixed, or when adding a new relationship to an existing part. This option is not available when you are using the FlashFit placement option.

When this option is set, and you are editing the position of a part where a fixed offset value is available, the actual parallel distance between the two parts is displayed in the Offset Value box. If this is the value you want, you can click the OK button to complete the placement process. If you want a different value, you can type the value you want, then click OK.

Place As Adjustable

Specifies that the subassembly is considered an adjustable assembly. This allows you to apply relationships to a part in the subassembly, rather than the subassembly itself. The part that you want to apply the relationship to must not be fully constrained in the subassembly. For more information, see Adjustable assemblies.

Disperse After Placement

Specifies that you want to automatically disperse the subassembly you are placing in the assembly. When this option is set, the individual parts are placed in the assembly, rather than the subassembly.

This option is typically used when placing a subassembly that contains a component that is part of an alternate components group. For more information on working with alternate components, see the Define Alternate Components command topic.


Locate the Following Element Types

Allows you to specify which element types are recognized by FlashFit. Specifying element types also determines which types of relationships FlashFit will recognize and apply. For example, if you clear all the element types except Planar Faces, the only relationships FlashFit will apply are planar align and mate relationships. With the Planar Faces, Cylindrical Faces, and Circular Edges options set, FlashFit can recognize and apply planar align, mate, and axial align relationships.  


Show All Dimensions

Specifies that dimensions are displayed for a part when you click the Edit Definition button. You can then click the dimension to edit the dimension value.

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