Reference Plane Selection command bar

Edit Definition

Displays the command bar so you can edit the feature. This option is available only for global reference planes.

Edit Profile

Displays the profile for the selected feature so you can edit it. You can perform all profile modification options including adding, deleting and modifying profile geometry, dimensions, and relationships. This option is not available for reference planes.

Dynamic Edit

Allows you to modify the size of the reference plane.


Specifies that elements inside the fence are selected.


Specifies that elements overlapped by the fence are selected, as well as elements inside the fence.


Specifies the size of the reference plane in the x direction.


Specifies the size of the reference plane in the y direction.


Automatically resizes the reference plane based on the reference plane type.

  • Base reference plane--Resizes the reference plane to match the current setting for Reference Plane Size on the General tab of the Options dialog box.

  • Global reference plane--Resizes the reference plane with respect to its parent reference plane or face.

  • Local reference plane--Resizes the reference plane with respect to the profile geometry.

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