Dynamic Configuration dialog box

Displays the structure of the alternate master document in a table format and lists the existing members. You can select from the existing members to place (or replace) an existing family of assembly member.

You can use the Dynamic Configuration dialog box to do the following:

Dialog box options

Family of Assemblies Configuration

Displays the family of assemblies master configuration in a table format. You can expand and collapse subassembly components to display or hide the parts in the Master column. You can use the Selection List column to specify whether existing components are included or excluded. This allows you to narrow the list of existing members or to define a new member dynamically.

Members Matching Configuration

Displays a list of existing members that match the criteria you defined in the Family of Assemblies Configuration pane. If the configuration you define does not match an existing configuration, a No Matching Members entry is displayed in the list. You can then set the Create a New Member or Create a New Assembly options.

Place an Existing Configuration

Specifies that you want to place an existing family of assemblies member from the Members Matching Configuration list.

Create a New Member

Specifies that you want to create a new family of assemblies member using the Configuration criteria that you defined. This option is not available until you have defined member criteria that does not match existing members.

Member Name

Allows you to type the member name you want.

Create a New Assembly Document

Specifies that you want to create a new assembly document that matches the criteria you defined in the Family of Assemblies Configuration pane. When you set this option and Click the OK button, the Save Member dialog box is displayed so you can specify the name and location of the new assembly document. When you click the Save button on the Save Member dialog box, the new assembly you defined is placed (or replaced) in the assembly.


Resets the Family of Assemblies Configuration pane to the default display.

Update Selection List

Updates the Selection list based on the member you select in the Members Matching Configuration list. For example, you can select a member, then click the Update Selection List button, and the Selection List column will display the configuration criteria for the member.

Shortcut Menu Commands

The following shortcut menu commands are available.


Cuts the selected text and places it on the Windows Clipboard.


Copies the selected text and places it on the Windows Clipboard.


Pastes the contents of the Windows Clipboard to the selected cell.


Displays the Columns dialog box so you format the active column.


Displays the Fonts dialog box so you can format the fonts used in the dialog box.

Search and Replace

Displays the Find dialog box so you can search for and replace text.

Expand All

Expands all of the assemblies so you can see the components they contain. This command is available only when you cursor is over the components entry.

Show Global Components

Displays all the components in the alternate assembly master.

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