Assembly Relationship Assistant command

Applies assembly relationships between selected parts and subassemblies based on their current geometric orientation. This command is useful when working with assemblies whose parts are oriented correctly, but do not have assembly relationships, such as assemblies that were imported into Solid Edge from another CAD system.

Defining the input options

You use the Relationship Assistant dialog box to define the input options you want. You can specify the select set option you want to use, whether existing relationships are removed, and whether relationships can be applied to the base reference planes.

The following select set options are available:

Defining the output options

You specify which relationships to apply with the Relationship Assistant Settings dialog box. The following relationship types are available:

You can also specify whether offset values are allowed for planar align and mate relationships using the Relationship Assistant Settings dialog box.

Processing and modifying the results

When you have defined the output options, you can click the Process button on the Relationship Assistant Settings dialog box to create the relationships. The relationships are displayed in the dialog box, sorted by part name. You can select a part or relationship in the dialog box, and it highlights in the graphic window.

You can also clear the check mark adjacent to a part or relationship in the list to specify that relationships are not applied to the cleared items.


Because applying an assembly relationship involves two parts, each relationship is displayed in the list twice. If you deselect a relationship in one location, it is deselected in both locations. If you deselect a part, all the relationships applied to that part are deselected.

You can then click the Accept or Reset buttons to accept the results or clear the list.

Assembly Relationship Assistant guidelines

Assembly Relationship Assistant command bar

Assembly Relationship Assistant dialog box

Relationship Assistant Settings dialog box

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