Relationship Assistant Settings dialog box

Allowable Relationship Types

Specifies which types of assembly relationships can be applied.

  • Mate--Specifies that a mate relationship is allowable. When you set this option, you can also set the Allow Offset option.

  • Planar Align--Specifies that a planar align relationship is allowable. When you set this option, you can also set the Allow Offset option.

  • Allow Offset--Specifies that offsets are allowed when applying mate and planar align relationships.

  • Axial Align--Specifies that a axial align relationship is allowable. Axial align relationships are always applied with the rotation unlocked. You can edit the axial align relationships later to lock the rotation.

  • Connect--Specifies that a connect relationship is allowable.


Defines a tolerance value using a slider. This option is useful when applying relationships to parts imported from another CAD system whose geometric accuracy prevents relationships from being applied with the default setting. For example, when working with an imported assembly, the planar accuracy between two parts may be less than the accuracy used in Solid Edge.

To correct this, you can adjust the slider to allow parts that are slightly out of plane, out of axis, or not touching to have relationships applied successfully. When you use this option, parts can be moved slightly when the relationships are applied.


Applies the relationships you have specified to the set of parts you defined. The parts and the relationships applied to the parts are displayed in the list. You can the click the Accept button to accept all the applied relationships, or scroll through the list and deselect parts or relationships you do not want applied.

Part and Relationship List

Lists all the parts and the relationships applied to the parts. You can select parts or relationships in the list, and they highlight in the graphic window. You can set or clear the check mark adjacent to a par tor relationship to specify whether the relationships are applied.


Because applying an assembly relationship involves two parts, each relationship is displayed in the list twice. If you deselect a relationship in one location, it is deselected in both locations. If you deselect a part, all the relationships applied to that part are deselected.


Accepts the relationships in the list.


Clears the relationships in list.

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