Feature Set Information dialog box

Displays the feature set information for the select set of features. This dialog box is displayed when you do the following:

For more information see the following topics:

Column names and functions

The following columns are available on the Feature Set Information dialog box.

Feature Name

Displays the name of each feature in the select set. For example, Protrusion 1 or Cutout 1.


Lists the element type for the elements associated with each feature. Common element types are reference planes and dimensions.


Specifies whether the element is a required element, an optional element, or a dependent element.

A required element must have its parent redefined when you place the library member or paste a feature. Reference planes are listed as required elements, and require that you select a planar face or reference plane on the model. You also can set the reference plane option you want using the Create-From Options list on the command bar.

An optional element does not require that its parent is redefined when you place the library feature or paste a feature. You can redefine the parent when you place the library member or paste a feature; or you can redefine the parent later. Dimensions are listed as optional elements. To redefine the parent of a dimension, you can select an edge, a reference plane, or a keypoint.

If you do not redefine the parent of a dimension when placing the library feature, you can redefine it later. For example, you can select the feature, then use the Dynamic Edit or Edit Profile options on the Select Tool command bar to attach the dimension to an edge you select.

A dependent element is automatically placed, based on the input geometry. Rounds and chamfers are examples of dependent elements.


Displays the custom prompt for the element. When you paste a select set of features into the Feature Library tab, you can type a custom prompt in the prompt cell by double-clicking in the Prompt cell. The prompts are displayed in the status bar when you place a library feature. Defining prompts allows you to provide useful information to someone placing the library feature. The Prompt cells are read-only when you place a library feature or when you copy and paste a selected feature.

Notes Area

A rectangular notes area at the bottom of the dialog box is activated when you select an element row. You can type additional helpful information related to the current row in this area. The notes area is read-only when you place a library feature.

Shortcut Menu Commands

The following shortcut menu commands are available.


Cuts the selected text and places it in the Windows Clipboard.


Copies the selected text and places it in the Windows Clipboard.


Pastes the contents of the Windows Clipboard to the selected cell.


Displays the Columns dialog box so you format the active column.


Displays the Fonts dialog box so you can format the fonts used in the Feature Set Information dialog box.


Displays the Find dialog box so you can search for and replace text.

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