Placing feature library members

Placing synchronous feature members

You place a synchronous library member in a document by dragging the library member from the Feature Library page to the application window.

When you paste a feature library member, the origin of the steering wheel is the origin of the feature library member. The orientation and position are maintained. You cannot locate a keypoint when pasting the feature library. You can use the Move and Rotate commands to precisely position and orient the feature.

When placed, faces add as detached. You can use the Attach command to attach the geometry to the new model.

Placing ordered feature members

You place an ordered library member in a document by dragging the library member from the Feature Library page and dropping it into the application window.

When you drop the ordered member into the application window, the feature creation process starts, similar to when you create a feature from scratch. A command bar and the Feature Set Information dialog box appear, so you can define the required and optional elements for positioning the library member on your model.

The basic steps for placing an ordered library member include:

  1. Define the required elements, such as the profile plane and profile orientation.

  2. Define the optional elements, such as dimensions that reference external elements.

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