Toggle a solid body type

In a single body file:
  1. Open a file that contains a single solid body.

  2. In PathFinder or in the model window, right-click on a solid body.

  3. On the short cut menu, choose the Toggle Design/Construction command.


If the solid body is a design body, the toggle makes it a construction body.

If the solid body is a construction body, the toggle makes it a design body.

In a multi-body file:
  1. Open a file that contains more than one solid body.

  2. In PathFinder, in the Design Bodies collector, right-click a design body.


    You can also right-click on the feature in PathFinder or right-click on a body in the model window.

  3. On the short cut menu, choose the Toggle Design/Construction command. The design body becomes a construction body and is added to the Construction Bodies collector.


These steps are the same if a construction body exists and you want to change it to a design body.

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