Surface Visualization Settings dialog box

Show surface visualization check box

Turns the visualization display on or off.

Clear All Section Surfaces

Clears all selections for surface visualization.

Surface mesh

Mesh density

Direction 1 check box

Controls the display of the surface mesh lines along direction 1.

Mesh density Direction 1 slider bar controls the density of surface mesh. Sparse to Dense (Sparse =1 and Dense =20).

Surface mesh Direction 1 Color controls the color of mesh in direction 1.

Direction 2 check box

Controls the display of the surface mesh lines along direction 2.

Mesh density Direction 2 slider bar controls the density of surface mesh. Sparse to Dense (Sparse =1 and Dense =20).

Surface mesh Direction 2 Color controls the color of mesh in direction 2.

Curvature comb

Comb color

Direction 1 check box

Controls the display curvature comb along direction 1.

Curvature comb Direction 1 Color 1 controls the first color of curvature in direction 1 (Color below curve). Curvature comb Direction 1 Color 2 control the second color of curvature in direction 1 (Color above curve).

The Density and Magnitude of the curvature combs are controlled by the slider bar

The Density range values are Sparse=5 and Dense 100. The Magnitude range values are Small=0 and Large=10.

The following illustration shows the curvature combs colors. The item labeled as 1 is the Direction 1 Color 1 (Color below curve). The item labeled as 2 is Direction 1 Color 2 (Color above curve). The item labeled as 3 is the Comb curve color.

Direction 2 check box

Controls the display curvature comb along direction 2.

Curvature comb Direction 2 Color 1 controls the first color of curvature in direction 2 (Color below curve). Curvature comb Direction 2 Color 2 control the second color of curvature in direction 2 (Color above curve).

The Density and Magnitude of the curvature combs are controlled by the slider bar.

The Density range values are Sparse=5 and Dense 100. The Magnitude range values are Small=0 and Large=10.

Comb curve

Controls the color of curvature comb curve.


Closes the dialog box.


Resets all controls to default values.


Accesses the help command for surface visualization.

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