Opening Pro/Engineer Documents in Solid Edge

The Pro/Engineer direct translator allows you to import Parametric Technology CAD files directly into Solid Edge part files. To open single Pro/Engineer files, access the translator through the Open File dialog box. To translate multiple Pro/Engineer files in a single session, use SeProE.exe, located in the Solid Edge/program folder. The executable requires Solid Edge be loaded on the machine where the translation occurs.


The translator for the Open command and the Proe Migration Wizard supports Pro/Engineer files created in versions 17 through 2001, plus files created with the Wildfire version of Pro/Engineer, and Creo version 1 files. The translator supports single part and assembly files.

Solid Edge assumes that all models in Pro/Engineer part files are solids and that they contain single solid bodies. However, it is possible that the solid in the Pro/Engineer file is a multi-volume solid. In these cases, Solid Edge generates individual Parasolid bodies for each of the volumes. By default, the Pro/Engineer translator in Solid Edge translates solids and surfaces that form a volume. To translate surfaces that do not form a volume select the Import Free Surfaces option on the Import Options for Pro/ENGINEER (.prt) dialog box.

Pro/Engineering File Naming Conventions

The first time you save a Pro/Engineer file, .1 is appended to the end of the file name. Pro/Engineering tracks file versions by incrementing the file name each time the file is saved. For example, if you make changes and re-save bolt.prt.1, the saved file name will be bolt.prt.2.

When a Pro/E part is ready to release, you may decide to drop the .n (where n represents the increment number) from the end of the file name. This causes problems when translating the Pro/E file to Solid Edge. NX also saves documents to a .prt extension. When you import a Pro/E document saved to a .prt extension, Solid Edge recognizes the file as a NX file and the translation fails. Therefore, you should not remove the .n from any Pro/E files that will be translated to Solid Edge. If you discover the files you want to translate contain a .prt extension, you can append the .1 to the file and then translate them.

Loading Multiple Pro/Engineer Documents to Solid Edge

You can use the Pro-e Data Migration standalone executable to load multiple Pro/Engineer part, assembly, and drawing documents to Solid Edge as managed or unmanaged documents. To use the executable to load multiple Pro/Engineer documents, Solid Edge and Pro/Engineer do not have to be loaded on the same machine. However, Pro/Engineer must be loaded on the same machine as the documents being migrated.

To access the executable, on the Start menu, choose All Programs→ Solid Edge ST6→Data Migration→Pro-e Data Migration. This displays the Pro-e Migration Wizard that assists in migrating the Pro/Engineer documents to Solid Edge.

On the Connecting to Pro-e dialog box, you can specify a host machine where the Pro/Engineer documents reside. You can specify the Solid Edge template you want to use to create the new Solid Edge document equivalent for the Pro/Engineer document you are opening. You can also specify a local folder location where you want to save the Solid Edge documents you create. The folder structure for the Pro/Engineer document will be replicated in this folder. You can specify the name and location of the PROE2SE.ini file that is used to store the settings selected from the user interface. If you want to store the Pro/Engineer documents as managed documents in Solid Edge, you can select the Enable Add to Library option and specify an Insight folder.

On the Pro/Engineer Selection Page dialog box, you can specify the documents you want to migrate to Solid Edge.

On the Pro/Engineer Save dialog box, you can specify the configuration file to which you want to save the remapped configuration.

If you want to save the changes to the original configuration file, click the Save the Remappings to the Original Configuration File option. The default file name is PROE2SE.ini and is located in the Solid Edge Program folder. This name is reserved by Solid Edge and cannot be overwritten. You can write to the Program folder, but you must change the name to avoid overwriting the default settings.

If you want to save the changes to a new configuration file, click the Create a New Configuration File option, and then click the Copy To button. On the Save As dialog box, define a folder and file name for the new configuration file.

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