Add a Solid Edge document to a managed library

  1. In View and Markup, on the Insight tab, click Add to Library.

  2. On the Add to Library dialog box, select the folder or document you want to add to the managed library.

  3. Click the Add button to add the selected document(s) to the Folders and Documents To Be Added list.

  4. Click the Browse button near the Library Folder field.

  5. On the Browse for Folder dialog box, select the managed library folder that you want the document(s) placed in and click OK.

  6. On the Add to Library dialog box, click the Add Documents to Library option.

  7. If you want to check in the documents, on the Add to Library dialog box, set the Update Status On All Documents to Checked In option.

  8. On the Add to Library dialog box, click the OK button.


    If your administrator has configured your system to prevent duplicate file names, the Replace Duplicate Documents dialog box is displayed. For more information on using this dialog box, see Adding Solid Edge documents to a managed library.

  9. On the Import Complete dialog box, click the OK button.

  10. On the Add to Library dialog box, click the Cancel button.


    The first time you add a part to the managed library, a Server Login dialog box is displayed after you click OK on the Edit Profile dialog box.  Type your operating system login and password, and then click OK. If your LAN is domain based and the logins used on the server are all from a domain, then you must enter the domain name.

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