Folder mapping in Insight

When you add documents to an Insight-managed library and the documents contain links to other documents, such as an assembly with many parts in several folders on different drives, use FolderMap.txt to specify how the linked documents within the unmanaged folders are added to the managed library destination folders.


You can map a folder, C:\PartsLibrary to a managed folder.  When you add the linked documents, any documents that reside in C:\PartsLibrary, or any subfolders below it, are placed in the managed folder structure you define in the FolderMap.txt file.

By default, the FolderMap.txt file is located in the Solid Edge Preferences folder. For example, if you installed Solid Edge to drive C, the path would be C:\Program Files\Solid Edge ST6\Preferences\FolderMap.txt. You can specify that Solid Edge look for the FolderMap.txt file in a different folder, including a folder on another machine on the network by setting the Insight folder mapping location in the Solid Edge Options dialog box.

If the linked documents reside in the same folder you are importing, or in a subfolder below it, you do not need to use the FolderMap.txt. The application automatically knows where to place the linked documents and can modify the link information.  The application can also create the folders in the managed library where the linked documents will reside.

If the linked documents reside in folders above the parent document folder, or on different drives, the application cannot automatically determine where to place the linked docs. In this case, you will need to use the FolderMap.txt file.

For example, in an assembly that consists of:

Assembly - C:\Dir1\Dir2\
Parts - C:\Dir1\Dir2/part1.par        

If you want to add the assembly to http://mymachine/se/docs, the FolderMap.txt file would have the following entries.

Source:C:\Dir1 Destination:http://mymachine/se/docs/Dir3 
Source:D:\Dir1\Dir2\Dir3\Dir4 Destination:http://mymachine/se/docs/Dir3/Dir4 


The source and destination information must be on the same line. The C:\Program Files\Solid Edge ST6\Preferences\FolderMap.txt also provides an example.

This string places all linked documents, for which a folder location cannot be created, in the docs folder in the managed library. You can also add another location to the end of the destination string if you want to create a new folder to store the documents.


You can enter a port as part of the http or https address, such as http://hsvnt123:88/test. If no port is specified, port 80 is used for an http server and port 443 is used for an https server.

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