Cache Manager dialog box

Look In

Displays the files and folders available for download.

Go to Last Folder Visited

Returns to the last folder that you selected.

Up One Level

Moves the Look In folder up one level.

View Menu

Controls the display method for the listed documents.

Large Icons

Displays large icons for the documents.

Small Icons

Displays small icons for the documents.


Lists the names of the documents in columns.


Displays a detailed view of the directory contents. The columns displayed include Name, Size, and Modified.


Lists the folders and documents you select.


Displays a bitmap image of the document if a preview image was saved for the file.


Adds the selected folders and documents to the Folders and Documents to be Downloaded box.


Removes the selected folders and documents from the Folders and Documents To Be Downloaded box.

Remove All

Removes all folders and documents from the Folders and Documents To Be Downloaded box.

Folders and Documents to be Downloaded

Lists the folders and documents you want download to cache.

Include Subfolders

Imports the associated subfolders for the selected folders.

Cache Management Tasks

Defines the location and status for the documents and folders you are adding.

Synchronize Cache

Updates out-of-date documents in your local cache by downloading the latest version of the documents from the library. You can use the Allow Synchronize Files From the Cache Manager option on the Solid Edge Administrator dialog box to control this option.

Checkin All Documents

Checks in all documents that are checked out. You can use the Allow Checkin Files From the Cache Manager option on the Solid Edge Administrator dialog box to control this option.

Download Selected Documents

Downloads the selected documents to the cache. You can use the Allow Download Files From the Cache Manager option on the Solid Edge Administrator dialog box to control this option.


Displays the Login dialog box. Once you log in, the standard Microsoft scheduling dialog that allows you to schedule your cache management tasks.

Log Files

Specifies the folder containing the log files generated by the process.

View Log

Opens the log file so you can view what happened during the scheduled batch.


Accepts the changes to the dialog box.


Cancels any changes to the dialog box.

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