Cache Assistant dialog box

Manages documents in your local cache.

Update Status Info

Updates information for all documents in a managed or unmanaged assembly. For managed documents, it retrieves Insight information, such as check out status and version information, from the server and document status information from the local cache. For unmanaged documents, it retrieves the document status information from the unmanaged documents.

You can update the status for all documents in the assembly or for a selected set of documents.

Synchronize All

Updates out-of-date documents in your local cache by downloading the latest version of the documents from the library.


Loads all documents into the library.

Check-In All

Checks in all checked out documents in your local cache to the library.  This is helpful if you need to check in documents when you are manually managing the cache or trying to clean up the local system.


Loads a document from the library to your local cache. This is helpful if you want to work off-line.

Delete All

Deletes everything from your local cache. This is helpful if you want to clean up disk space or force the cache to update with the latest document versions from the library.

Online/Offline Settings

Toggles between online and offline mode.

Document list

Displays the documents in your local cache. You can filter the documents displayed by setting the values in the first row of the dialog box.

The possible values for the Checked-Out-By column include, but are not limited to:

  • Checked Out to You, indicating you have a document checked out. The font color displays green.

  • Unknown, indicating the document is not checked out to you or has not been queried. The font color remains black. The status is updated when you run the Update Status Info command and Unknown is replaced by the person it is checked out to or No if it is not checked out.

The possible values for the Up-To-Date column include:

  • Yes, indicating the documents in the cache and the server are the same.

  • Newer Version Available, indicating a newer version of the document exists on the server. The font displays blue and () is displayed.

  • Newer Revision Available, indicating a newer revision of the document exists on the server. The font displays underlined, and () is displayed.

  • Newer Version and Revision Available, indicating a newer version and revision of the document exists on the server. The font displays blue and () is displayed.

  • New, indicating the managed document has not been uploaded or checked in to the server.

  • Modified, indicating the document is checked out, waiting to be uploaded, and it is newer than the version on the server. The font displays green.

  • Unknown, indicating the document is checked out and you have not queried the server.

  • Checked Out To <username>, indicating another user has the document checked out and a new revision exists. The font color displays dark orange, becomes underlined, and () is displayed.

  • Checked Out To <username>, indicating another user has a document checked out and a new version exists. The font color displays blue and () is displayed.

Preview Pane

Displays a preview image of the document in the lower-left pane of the Cache Assistant dialog box.

  • To set preview options, use the Preview command on the shortcut menu in the Documents list.

  • To create a preview image, you can use the options on the Preview page of the File Properties dialog box. To learn how to do this, see the Help topic, Create a Preview Image of a Document.


Displays the Preview dialog box for you to specify whether the preview image displayed in the Preview Pane is a static or interactive bitmap.

This command is located on the shortcut menu in the Documents list.


Specifies that properties for the selected document are displayed.

This command is located on the shortcut menu in the Documents list.

Summary information

Displays the number of documents, free disk space, and space used relative to the documents displayed in cache.

  • When no documents are selected in Cache Assistant, the number of Solid Edge documents in cache displays with the amount of free disk space and the amount of disk space used by the documents in cache.

  • If any documents are selected in Cache Assistant, the summary information displays the number of files selected and the disk space used.

  • When the view of documents in Cache Assistant is filtered, the summary displays the number of files shown in the filter and the total number of Solid Edge files in the folder along with the disk space used by the documents in the view.

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