Set document preview options

You can set preview image options when a list of documents is displayed in the Feature Library tab or Parts Library tab. The preview image is displayed at the bottom of the tab, in the preview area.

You also can set document preview options when working with managed and unmanaged documents in the Cache Assistant dialog box.

  1. Display the document list in the Feature Library tab or the Parts Library tab, or in the Cache Assistant dialog box.

  2. With no document selected, right-click in the white space in the document list.

  3. Choose Preview... from the shortcut menu.


    There are two Preview commands, depending upon your document type.

    • Preview: Displays the Preview dialog box.

    • Preview: Turns the preview image display on and off.

  4. In the Preview dialog box, select the On check box to display a preview image.

  5. In the Preview dialog box, select the desired image display options for documents. The Bitmap option displays a static image; the Interactive option allows you to zoom, pan, and rotate the preview image.

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