Draft Revisions dialog box


Lists the draft documents discovered in the Where Used search performed when creating a revision of a 3D document. This column is read-only.


Displays the path location of the draft document found during the Where Used search. This column is read-only.


Displays the author of the draft document found during the Where Used search. This column is read-only.

New Path

Specifies the path location for the draft revision you want to create. The default is the same path location as the 3D input document. You have the option to change the path to a new location.

New Document

Specifies the name of the new document being created by the revision. If no revisions exist for the input document, the file name defaults to the input document with a numeric increment. For example, if the input document is Part2.dft, the name of the new draft document will be Part2-1.dft. If revisions exist for the input document, the New Document defaults to the last revised filename that was incremented. For example, if the input document is Part2-1.dft, the new filename will be incremented to Part2-2.dft. You have the option to change the name to a name of your choice.


Clicking Cancel on the Draft Revisions dialog box will dismiss the dialog box and draft documents will not be revised. Only the associated 3D documents will be updated to the new revision.

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