Revise an Insight managed document

Open an existing revision of the active document
  1. On the Manage menu, click Revisions.

    Solid Edge searches for existing revisions.

  2. If revisions exist, right-click the revision you want to use.

  3. On the shortcut menu, click Open. The selected revision opens and becomes the active document.


You can use the Show Revisions command on the shortcut menu to search for revisions of the revised document.

Create a new revision of the open document
  1. On the Manage menu, click Revisions.

  2. The New Path field defaults to the same path location as the selected document. You can click the Set Path button to display a dialog box that allows you to search for a new path location.

  3. The New Document Name field defaults to the selected document file name incremented to a new revision.

  4. On the Revisions dialog box, click New.

  5. On the Edit Profile dialog box, select a profile from the Select list.

  6. In the Version Comments box, type any comments you want to include with document.

  7. If you want to edit a document property, select the property and edit the value in the text box.

  8. On the Edit Profile dialog box, click the OK button. The system adds the revised document to the managed library.

    The newly created revision becomes the active document and the original document closes without saving.

Replace a component in an assembly with an existing revision of the component
  1. Right-click a component you want to revise. The component must be on the immediate level of the assembly or subassembly containing the component.

  2. On the shortcut menu, click Revisions.

  3. Right-click the existing revision you want to use.

  4. On the shortcut menu, click Replace. The selected revision replaces the selected component.

Create a new revision of a selected component in the assembly
  1. Right-click a component you want to revise. The component must be on the immediate level of the assembly or subassembly containing the component.

  2. On the shortcut menu, click Revisions.

  3. The New Path field defaults to the same path location as the selected component. You can click the Set Path button to display a dialog box that allows you to search for a new path location.

  4. The New Document Name field defaults to the selected component file name incremented to a new revision.

  5. On the Revisions dialog box, click New.

  6. On the Edit Profile dialog box, select a profile from the Select list.

  7. In the Version Comments box, type any comments you want to include with component.

  8. If you want to edit a component property, select the property and edit the value in the text box.

  9. On the Edit Profile dialog box, click the OK button. The selected component is replaced with the newly created component.