In common property dialog boxes such as the New Document dialog box, the Upload Document dialog box, Cache Assistant dialog box, and Open dialog box, you can reorder column display and use shortcut commands to hide columns or fit the column width to the contents.
In Structure Editor, the column manipulation commands operate independently in each window pane. For example, selecting Best Fit in the upper right window pane does not affect columns in the upper left window pane.
In the dialog box, right-click a cell, and then click Hide.
Columns containing required properties delivered by default cannot be hidden.
When you select a column that is part of a column group (for example, Item ID Pattern and Item ID), the group of columns are hidden.
All document properties are part of the transaction whether they are shown or hidden in the dialog box.
To show a column that currently is hidden, select the corresponding check box in the Format Columns dialog box.
Do one of the following:
Right-click the cell, and select Best Fit.
This command resizes the column width based on the longest string in each column.
Right-click the cell, and select Best Fit by Row.
This command sets the column width for all displayed columns based on the contents of the selected row.
You can double-click near a column divider to do a best fit on the column.
In common property dialog boxes, you can select and drag columns to change the display order. Reordered columns are inserted to the right of a column group.
In the dialog box, click the column header to select it.
Drag the column to the new location.
When you reorder a column group (for example, Revision Pattern and Revision), the entire group is moved. You cannot split a group of related columns.