Define Teamcenter Databases dialog box

Defines the Teamcenter databases available for use with Solid Edge Embedded Client and Structure Editor.

Teamcenter Database URL

Lists the URLs of the Teamcenter databases available to you. At least one defined database is required.

Database Description

Provides a brief description of the corresponding listed database. The description is displayed at logon and assists you in distinguishing one database from another when multiple databases are listed. A database description is required for each database listed.

Standard Parts SAC File

Defines the location of the configuration file for Standard Parts.


Indicates whether the specified Teamcenter database is configured with Teamcenter Communication Service.


Indicates whether the specified Teamcenter database is single sign-on enabled. This column is set to Yes and the entry is shown in green when the database is single sign-on enabled.

Move Up

Rearranges the order of the listed databases by moving the selected database up one row in the Current Teamcenter Database Selection List.

Move Down

Rearranges the order of the listed databases by moving the selected database down one row in the Current Teamcenter Database Selection List.

Teamcenter Database URL

Defines the URL for the Teamcenter database. This information can be retrieved from the server using the TcCS button, or you can enter the information.


Sets the connection to the selected database to 2-tier configuration. The application and Teamcenter business logic is installed locally on the client. You are required to provide the Teamcenter application and data folder information.


Adds the database to the Teamcenter Database URL column of the Current Teamcenter Database Selection List.


Updates the current Teamcenter database with new information. Use this option to modify existing information.


Removes the selected database from the Current Teamcenter Database Selection List.


Queries the Teamcenter server for databases that have Teamcenter Client Communication configured. The results are returned to the Current Teamcenter Database Selection List.


TcCS is a Teamcenter 9 feature.

Database Description

Specifies the description shown in the Database Description column in the Current Teamcenter Database Selection List and at logon. A description is required for each database defined.


Assign database descriptions that indicate whether a server is TcCS or SSO enabled to make it easy to distinguish at logon.

Standard Parts SAC File

Adds the configuration file for Standard Parts to the Standard Parts SAC File column in the Current Teamcenter Database Selection List.


Displays the Open dialog box and assists you with finding the Standard Parts SAC file.

Teamcenter Security Services (SSO)

Defines the configuration for Teamcenter Security Services and is only accessible when a single sign-on server is specified.


Activates the configuration options for Teamcenter Security Services single sign-on.

Application ID

Requires the ID of the single sign-on application.

Login Service URL

Requires the URL of the server where the Teamcenter Security Services are configured.


Sets the selected single sign-on database to the default when more than one is listed in the Current Teamcenter Database Selection List. The active single sign-on database is shown in green.

Default Database

Sets the selected database to the default at logon. When more than one database is listed in the Current Teamcenter Database Selection List, the default database is shown in blue. This option is disabled when Teamcenter Security Services is enabled.

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