Defining the Teamcenter database list

The Define Teamcenter Databases utility is delivered with Solid Edge Embedded Client setup and used to define the list of Teamcenter databases available to you. This capability is especially useful to administrators who have a need to work against multiple databases, including single sign-on enabled databases. Use the Define Teamcenter Databases utility to add, modify and remove entries in your list of available databases.

Defining Teamcenter Databases

The Define Teamcenter Databases utility is automatically run during installation. You define your database, provide a database description, and as an option, you can define the location of your Standard Parts configuration file.

Databases that utilize Teamcenter Security Services (single sign-on) are also defined through this utility. An application ID and login service URL are required for enabling single sign-on databases.

If you need to run the utility after installation is complete, you can access it through the Start menu by selecting Start→Programs→Solid Edge ST6→SEEC→Define Teamcenter Databases.

When you run the utility, the Define Teamcenter Databases dialog box is displayed. The dialog box contains options for maintaining the entries in the Teamcenter database list.

Adding Teamcenter database entries

Using the Define Teamcenter Databases dialog box, at least one database must be defined. You can add multiple Teamcenter database URL entries into the Teamcenter database list and keep your list current by using options on the dialog box.


The Teamcenter Database URL must specify the HTTP protocol for a four-tier configured environment. Example: http://hsvnt123/test or https://hsvnt321/test

Specifying a two-tier configuration

When you define your Teamcenter databases, you can specify a two-tier configuration by checking the 2-Tier check box on the Define Teamcenter Databases dialog box.


A URL can be defined for both two-tier and four-tier to the same database.

Providing a database description

Each Teamcenter database listed should have a brief corresponding description. The description assists you in distinguishing one database from another when multiple databases are listed. The description you provide is displayed at login.


A database description is required for each database listed.

Defining the Standard Parts Configuration file

Define the location of the Standard Parts configuration file (SAC file) using Browse to locate the file and populate the text box or by typing the location of the configuration file.


When multiple databases are defined, use the Define Teamcenter Databases dialog box to define the location of your SAC file rather than using the Options.xml file.

Teamcenter Security Services (TcSS)

Any Solid Edge application that requires a Teamcenter logon (ie. Solid Edge with Embedded Client, Structure Editor, Add to Teamcenter) can take advantage of Teamcenter Security Services using single sign-on (SSO), provided that an SSO enabled database is activated. When you use single sign-on, you log onto a Teamcenter enabled single sign-on application. The default group and role are assigned. Then the next application uses those credentials and submits them to the authentication authority. You are not required to log on again. A background window holds the token while you are authenticated. Dismissing the window deletes the token.

Teamcenter Security Services is available to both 2-tier and 4-tier connections. Defining a single sign-on enabled database is accomplished in the same way as defining any other Teamcenter database, except that you must enter the corresponding application ID and logon service URL for the Teamcenter Security Service enabled database you specified. The Teamcenter database URL you specify is added to the list and is displayed in green for easy identification. Only one Teamcenter database URL that is single sign-on enabled can be active at a time. Choose the URL from the list and select Activate to make a database active.


Teamcenter Security Services is not delivered or supported with Teamcenter Express.

Teamcenter Communication Service (TcCS)

The Teamcenter Communication Service (TcCS) is Teamcenter 9 four-tier function that acts as a central client tier process for managing functionality needed by multiple Teamcenter clients. The process hosts the FMS Client Cache (FCC) for communication with FMS Server Cache (FSC), the Teamcenter Proxy (TSP) for communication with Teamcenter web tier, and the Teamcenter Model Event Manager which provides client-to-client synchronization messages.

Specifying a default database

When multiple databases are defined in the Teamcenter Database list, you can specify one database as the default by choosing the database and then selecting the Default Database check box. The default database is shown in blue on the Define Teamcenter Databases dialog box.


This option is disabled when single sign-on databases are defined. Use the Activate option to make a single sign-on database active.

If no default database is specified, the database that was last used will be selected. If no default database is specified and you are accessing Teamcenter for the first time, the first entry in the database list will be the database used as the default.


Once you log in using a specific database, you are connected to that database for the duration of your working session. You can change the database you are working against by closing Solid Edge, starting a new session, and specifying the database of your choice at login.

Removing entries

Using the Define Teamcenter Databases dialog box, you can delete outdated or incorrect URLs from the list by selecting an existing URL and clicking Remove.

Updating existing entries

Entries that exist in the Teamcenter database list can be updated or modified by selecting the entry, making necessary changes, and clicking Update.

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