Revisions dialog box (Insight)

New Path

Specifies the path location for the revision you want to create. The default is the same path location as the input document.  The value will always refer to the URL location of the input document, and not the cached path.

Set Path

Accesses a dialog box that allows you to search for a new path location.

New Document Name

Specifies the name of the new document being created by the revision.

If no revisions exist for the input document, the file name defaults to the input document with a numeric increment.  For example, if the input document is Flange.dft, the new file name will be Flange-1.dft.

If revisions exist for the input document, the New Filename field defaults to the last revised file name that was incremented.  For example, if the input document is Flange.dft that has revisions named Flange-1.dft, Flange-2.dft, and Flange-3.dft, the new file name will be incremented to Flange-4.dft.

Increment File Name

Increments the name in the New Filename field. For example, if the file name in the New Filename field is Flange-4.dft, and you click the Increment Filename button, the value changes to Flange-5.dft.


Creates a new revision of the input document based on the information specified in the dialog box.  Thus a new revised document will be created in the New Path location and have a file name with the name in the New Filename field.

Open an Existing or New Revision

Specifies the document revision that you want to open.

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