Display block properties in a callout

If properties are defined in a block, you can extract their values into a callout, balloon, or other annotation on the drawing. Adding properties to a master block ensures they can be referenced in all block occurrences.

  1. In the Block Library, in the Block Selection Pane, define the block information in the master block using one of the following methods:

    • During block creation and placement, select the Block Options button on the Block command bar. In the Block Options dialog box, type the attribute information in the Name and Value boxes.

    • For an existing block, select the Properties command from the master block shortcut menu. In the Block Properties dialog box, in the Properties section, type the attribute information in the Name and Value boxes.

    • When creating or modifying a block label, assign block label properties using the Block Label Properties dialog box.

      See the help topic, Define and place a block label.


    • You can define properties that identify the physical aspect of the block, such as the type of component, part, or element the block represents.

    • You can define properties such as cost and count.

  2. Place an occurrence of the master block on the drawing.

  3. Choose Home tab→Annotation group→Callout .

  4. In the Callout Properties dialog box, on the General tab, click the Property Text button .

    This opens the Select Property Text dialog box.

  5. In the Select Property Text dialog box, do the following:

    1. From the list at the top-right in the dialog box, select From graphic connection.

    2. From the Properties list, select Block Property.

    3. Click the Select button.

      This displays %{Block Property|GBLK} in the Property Text field in the dialog box.

    4. Type the block property name you entered in the Name field of the Block Properties dialog box over the BlockProperty portion of the property text string.


      If the property name is Cost, then replace "BlockProperty" with "Cost," so that it looks like this: %{Cost|GBLK}.

    5. Close the Select Property Text dialog box.

  6. In the Callout Properties dialog box, verify that the Preview pane displays the unresolved callout text, for example, <Cost>, and that the Callout text box contains the property text code, for example, %{Cost|GBLK}.

  7. Add formatting and additional content to the callout text.

    • Type explanatory text or symbols before or after the property text code in the Callout text box. This plain text appears each time the callout is placed.


      Type Cost=$ in front of the property text string: Cost=$%{Cost|GBLK}.

      Type Units= in front of the property text string: Units=%{Units|GBLK}.

    • Insert new lines by pressing the Enter key, or use the Callout text 2 box to define additional property text.

    • Use the options on the Text and Leader tab and the Border tab to add font formatting and to show a border around the callout.

    • Add format codes to modify property text output.

  8. Locate a keypoint on the block occurrence, and then click to place the callout.

    The callout displays all of the plain text content you typed, as well as the values for the resolved property text.




    If the callout does not display the resolved value, refer to Resolving property text problems, below.


  • You can reference block member data by typing the following property text strings exactly as shown into the Callout text box:

    %{Block Name|GBLM} (displays the block name in the callout)

    %{Block View Name|GBLM} (displays the block view name in the callout)

  • You can reference block label name-value properties by typing the following property text string in the Callout text box, and then replacing the Block Label portion of the string with the block label name that you want to extract:

    %{Block Label|GBLL}


    %{Inventory Number|GBLL}


  • When referencing property text in callouts, you can use the Saved Settings option on the General tab to save your property text definitions for reuse.

  • When referencing block properties in a balloon, you can:

    • Select the Oblong balloon shape so that the balloon expands with the content.

    • Use the Upper, Lower, Prefix, and Suffix text boxes in the Balloon Properties dialog box to define the Block Property strings.

Resolving property text problems
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